
Papers from 2012

Increased brain metabolism after acute administration of the synthetic cannabinoid HU210: A small animal PET imaging study with 18F-FDG, Vu H. Nguyen, Mathieu Verdurand, Stefanie Dedeurwaerdere, Hongqin Wang, David Zahra, Marie-Claude Gregoire, and Katerina Zavitsanou

Canopy conundrums: building on the Biosphere 2 experience to scale measurements of inner and outer canopy photoprotection from the leaf to the landscape, Caroline J. Nichol, Roland Pieruschka, Kotaro Takayama, Britta Forster, Zbigniew Kolber, Uwe Rascher, John Grace, Sharon A. Robinson, Barry Pogson, and Barry Osmond

Far and away: police negotiators on overseas deployments, Heidi A. Nieboer-Martini, Adam Dolnik, and Ellen Giebels


Preparing action competent environmental educators: How hard could it be?, Wendy Nielsen, Peter Andersen, Amy Hurley, Vanessa Sabljak, Amy-Lee Petereit, Vanessa Hoskin, and Garry Hoban

Graphene oxide absorbed anti-IL10R antibodies enhance LPS induced immune responses in vitro and in vivo, Guoying Ni, Yuejian Wang, Xiaolian Wu, Xiongfei Wang, Shu Cheng, and Xiaosong Liu

Improved performance of railway ballast under impact loads using shock mats, Sanjay Nimbalkar, Buddhima Indraratna, Sujit Kumar Dash, and David Christie

Higher plasma high-mobility group box 1 levels are associated with incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality in type 1 diabetes: A 12 year follow-up study, J Nin, Isabel Ferreira, Casper Schalkwijk, A Jorsal, Martin Prins, Hans-Henrik Parving, L Tarnow, Peter Rossing, and Coen D. Stehouwer

Serum high-mobility group box-1 levels are positively associated with micro- and macroalbuminuria but not with cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes: the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study, Johanna W. Nin, Isabel Ferreira, Casper Schalkwijk, Martin H. Prins, Nish Chaturvedi, John H. Fuller, and Coen D. Stehouwer


Evolutionary algorithm for water storage forecasting response to climate change with small data sets: The Wolonghu Wetland, China, Qingwei Ni, Li Wang, Binghui Zheng, and Muttucumaru Sivakumar

A leavening strategy to prepare reduced graphene oxide foams, Zhiqiang Niu, Xiaodong Chen, Huey Hoon Hng, Jan Ma, and Xiaodong Chen


A "skeleton/skin"strategy for preparing ultrathin free-standing single-walled carbon nanotube/polyaniline films for high performance supercapacitor electrodes, Zhiqiang Niu, Pingshan Luan, Qi Shao, Haibo Dong, Jinzhu Li, Jun Chen, Duan Zhao, Le Cai, Weiya Zhou, Xiaodong Chen, and Sishen Xie


Free-standing single-walled carbon nanotube/SnO2 anode paper for flexible lithium-ion batteries, Lukman Noerochim, Jia-Zhao Wang, Shulei Chou, and David Wexler


Impact of mechanical bending on the electrochemical performance of bendable lithium batteries with paper-like free-standing V2O5-polypyrrole cathodes, Lukman Noerochim, Jia-Zhao Wang, David Wexler, Md Mokhlesur Rahman, Jun Chen, and Hua-Kun Liu

Economic analyses of pig manure treatment options in Ireland, Tereza Nolan, Shane M. Troy, Stephen Gilkinson, J P. Frost, Sihuang Xie, Xinmin Zhan, Caolan Harrington, Mark Healy, and Peadar G. Lawlor


A data envelopment analysis model for selecting suppliers in the presence of both dual-role factors and non-discretionary inputs, Abdollah Noorizadeh, Mahdi Mahdiloo, and Reza Farzipoor Saen


A new approach for considering a dual-role factor in data envelopment analysis, Abdollah Noorizadeh, Mahdi Mahdiloo, and Reza Farzipoor Saen


Suppliers ranking in the presence of undesirable outputs, Abdollah Noorizadeh, Mahdi Mahdiloo, and Reza Farzipoor Saen

Phospholipid peroxidation: Lack of effect of fatty acid pairing, Sarah E. Norris, Todd Mitchell, and Paul L. Else

The influence of CuFe2o4 nanoparticles on superconductivity of MgB2, Nikolina Novosel, Damir Pajic, Zeljko Skoko, Mislav Mustapic, Emil Babic, Kreso Zadro, and Josip Horvat

Independent activation in adjacent lumbar extensor muscle compartments, Marilee M. Nugent, Paul J. Stapley, and Theodore E. Milner

Waves and weathering at 3.7 Ga: Geological evidence for an equitable terrestrial climate under the faint early Sun, Allen Phillip Nutman, Vickie C. Bennett, and Clark R L Friend

Recovery in Australia: marshalling strengths and living values, Lindsay G. Oades and Julie Anderson


Molecular dynamics analysis of apolipoprotein-D - lipid hydroperoxide interactions: mechanism for selective oxidation of Met-93, Aaron J. Oakley, Surabhi Bhatia, Heath Ecroyd, and Brett Garner


Electron contamination modeling and skin dose in 6 MV longitudinal field MRIgRT: Impact of the MRI and MRI fringe field, Bradley Oborn, Peter E. Metcalfe, Martin Butson, Anatoly B. Rosenfeld, and P J. Keall

Optical conductance of a two-dimensional semiconductor in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling and a periodic potential, T E. O'Brien and Chao Zhang

Characterizing the biological traits and life history of Acanthopagrus (Sparidae) hybrid complexes: Implications for conservation and management, F Ochwada-Doyle, David Gary Roberts, C Gray, L Barnes, J Haddy, and J Fearman


Vapor phase polymerization of EDOT from submicrometer scale oxidant patterned by dip-pen nanolithography, Cathal D. O'Connell, Michael J. Higgins, Hiroshi Nakashima, Simon E. Moulton, and Gordon G. Wallace

Local knowledge and the state: the 1990 floods in Cunnamulla, Queensland, Australia, Emily O'Gorman

The role of socio-cultural norms in workplace stress: an empirical study of bank employees in Nigeria, Adunola Oke and Patrick M. Dawson

Canadian physical activity guidelines for the early years (aged 0-4 years), Anthony D. Okely, Mark Tremblay, Allana LeBlanc, Valerie Carson, Louise Choquette, Sarah Connor Gorber, Mary Gordon, Ian Janssen, Amy Latimer-Cheung, Kelly Murumets, John Reilly, John Spence, Carrie Dillman, Audrey Hicks, Mary Duggan, Michelle Kho, Claire LeBlanc, Jodie Stearns, and Brian Timmons


Class a prediction of a piled relieving slab using uncoupled models, David Oliveira, Dan Gorman, and Frances Badelow

Measuring, mapping and modelling:An integrated approach to the management of mangrove and saltmarsh in the Minnamurra River estuary, southeast Australia, Thomas S. N Oliver, Kerrylee Rogers, Chris J. Chafer, and Colin D. Woodroffe


A deep subaqueous fan depositional model for the Paleoarchaean (3.46 Ga) Marble Bar Cherts, Warrawoona Group, Western Australia, Nicolas Olivier, Gilles Dromart, Nicolas Coltice, Nicolas Flament, Patrice F. Rey, and Remi Sauvestre


Academic analytics in a medical curriculum: enabling educational excellence, Martin Olmos and Linda Corrin


Learning analytics: a case study of the process of design of visualizations, Martin M. Olmos and Linda Corrin

Sex-specific SOD levels and DNA damage in painted dragon lizards (Ctenophorus pictus), Mats M. Olsson, Mo Healey, Cecile Perrin, Mark R. Wilson, and Michael Tobler


Polymorphic male color morphs visualized with steroids in monomorphic females: a tool for designing analysis of sex-limited trait inheritance, Mats M. Olsson, Mo Healey, Mark Wilson, and Michael Tobler

A significant component of ageing (dna damage) is reflected in fading breeding colors: an experimental test using innate antioxidant mimetics in painted dragon lizards, Mats M. Olsson, Michael Tobler, Mo Healey, Cecile Perrin, and Mark R. Wilson


Philosophy, Canonicity, Reading, Brigitta Olubas and Antonio J. Simoes da Silva


Transnational imaginaries: reading Asian Australian writing, Wenche Ommundsen

The pathophysiology of menopausal symptoms, Sheila O'Neill and John Eden


Peer assessments of GPW: Infusing fairness into students' assessments of peer contributions, Okey Peter Onyia and Stephanie Allen


Seed bank persistence and climate change, Mark K. J Ooi

Projected soil temperature increase and seed dormancy response along an altitudinal gradient: Implications for seed bank persistence under climate change, Mark K. J Ooi, Tony D. Auld, and Andrew J. Denham

The evolution of the responsibility to protect: at a crossroads?, Philip C. Orchard

Peak-to-Peak Amplitude in Neonatal Brain Monitoring of Premature Infants, D O'Reilly, Michael A. Navakatikyan, M Filip, D Greene, and L J. vanMarter

Genomic Prediction of Genetic Values for Resistance to Wheat Rusts, Leonardo Ornella, Sukhwinder Singh, Paulino Perez, Juan Burgueno, Ravi Singh, Elizabeth Tapia, Sridhar Bhavani, Susanne Dreisigacker, Hans-Joachim Braun, Ky L. Mathews, and Jose Crossa


Effects of atmospheric light scattering on spectroscopic observations of greenhouse gases from space: Validation of PPDF-based CO 2 retrievals from GOSAT, Sergey Oshchepkov, Andrey Bril, Tatsuya Yokota, Isamu Morino, Yukio Yoshida, Tsuneo Matsunaga, Dmitry Belikov, Debra Wunch, Paul Wennberg, Geoffrey Toon, Christopher O'Dell, André Butz, Sandrine Guerlet, Austin Cogan, Hartmut Boesch, Nawo Eguchi, Nicholas Deutscher, David Griffith, Ronald Macatangay, Justus Notholt, Ralf Sussmann, Markus Rettinger, Vanessa Sherlock, John Robinson, Esko Kyro, Pauli Heikkinen, Dietrich G. Feist, Tomoo Nagahama, Nikolay Kadygrov, Shamil Maksyutov, Osamu Uchino, and Hiroshi Watanabe

Variety and quantity of vegetables consumed by participants at start of 12-month dietary intervention weight loss trial, Jane E. O'Shea, Yasmine Probst, Rebecca L. Thorne, Sara Grafenauer, and Linda C. Tapsell


UStart: a peer-designed and led orientation initiative, Sarah O'Shea


Stepping into higher education from the vocational education sector in Australia: Student perceptions and experiences, Sarah E. O' Shea Dr, Pauline Lysaght, and Kathleen Tanner


Evaluating disaster management knowledge model by using a frequency-based selection technique, Siti Hajar Othman and Ghassan Beydoun


Perception of mooney faces by young infants: the role of local feature visibility, contrast polarity and motion, Yumiko Otsuka, Harold C. H Hill, So Kanazawa, Masami K. Yamaguchi, and Branka Spehar

Food tolerance and gastrointestinal quality of life following three bariatric procedures: adjustable gastric banding, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, and sleeve gastrectomy, Shannon Elise Overs, Rebecca Anne Freeman, Nazy Zarshenas, Karen Louise Walton, and John Oskar Jorgensen

Disputed South China Sea hydrocarbons in perspective, Nicholas Owen and Clive Schofield


High-yield cell-free protein synthesis for site-specific incorporation of unnatural amino acids at two sites, Kiyoshi Ozawa, Karin V. Loscha, Kekini V. Kuppan, Choy Theng Loh, Nicholas E. Dixon, and Gottfried Otting


Electrochemical characteristics of layered Li1.95Mn0.9Co0.15O3 (C2/m) as a lithium-battery cathode, Kiyoshi Ozawa, Yasuhiro Nakao, Takashi Mochiku, Zhenxiang Cheng, Lianzhou Wang, Hideo Iwai, Yoshinori Tsuchiya, Hiroki Fujii, and Naoki Igawa

Are there different neural mechanisms responsible for three stages of weight gain development in anti-psychotic therapy: Temporally based hypothesis, Nagesh Brahmavar Pai, Chao Deng, Shae-Leigh C. Vella, David Castle, and Xu-Feng Huang


A qualitative analysis of medical students views of their first psychiatry rotation, Nagesh Brahmavar Pai, Shae-Leigh C. Vella, and Kerry Dawes

Reason for clozapine cessation, Nagesh B. Pai and Shae-Leigh C. Vella

Augmentation of clozapine with another pharmacological agent: treatment for refractory schizophrenia in the 'real world', Nagesh Pai, Margaret Laidlaw, and Shae-Leigh Vella


Direct detection of additives and degradation products from polymers by liquid extraction surface analysis employing chip-based nanospray mass spectrometry, Martin Paine, Phillip Barker, Shane A. MacLaughlin, Todd W. Mitchell, and Stephen J. Blanksby


Paint spray mass spectrometry for the detection of additives from polymers on conducting surfaces, Martin R.L Paine, Philip J. Barker, and Stephen J. Blanksby

New insights into the biology and ecology of Cydia pomonella from apple orchards in Croatia, Ivana Pajac, Božena Baric, Katarina M. Mikac, and Ivan Pejic


Influence of plantlet age and different soilless culture on acclimatization of Stemona curtisii Hook.f., Jiraporn Palee, Srisulak Dheeranupattana, Araya Jatisatienr, Sunanta Wangkarn, Pitchaya Mungkornasawakul, Stephen Pyne, Alison Ung, and Thanapat Sastraruji


The feasibility and validity of ambulatory self-report of psychotic symptoms using a smartphone software application, Jasper Palmier-Claus, J Ainsworth, M Machin, C Barrowclough, Graham Dunn, Emma Barkus, A Rogers, T Wykes, S Kapur, Iain Buchan, E Salter, and Shon Lewis


Horizontal fixation point oscillation and simulated viewpoint oscillation both increase vection in depth, Stephen Palmisano, Juno Kim, and Tom C. A Freeman


Are we there yet? Closing the gap in indigenous health in Australia: Monitoring clinical performance in Aboriginal and Islander community control health services in Queensland, Kathryn S. Panaretto, Selwyn Button, Adrian Carson, Dallas Leon, Rhonda Schibasaki, Gail Wason, David Baker, and Ian Ring

Development of energy-efficient cryogenic leads with high temperature superconducting films on ceramic substrates, A V. Pan, S A. Fedoseev, O V. Shcherbakova, I A. Golovchanskiy, S Zhou, S X. Dou, R J. Webber, O A. Mukhanov, T Yamashita, and R Taylor

Graphene-supported high-resolution TEM and STEM imaging of silicon nanocrystals and their capping ligands, Matthew G. Panthani, Colin M. Hessel, Dariya Reid, Gilberto Casillas, Miguel Jose-Yacaman, and Brian A. Korgel


Photonic chip based tunable slow and fast light via stimulated Brillouin scattering, Ravi Pant, Adam Byrnes, Christopher Poulton, Enbang Li, Duk-Yong Choi, Stephen J. Madden, Barry Luther-Davies, and Benjamin J. Eggleton


Automated offline programming for robotic welding system with high degree of freedoms, Zengxi Pan, Joseph Polden, Nathan P. Larkin, Stephen van Duin, and John Norrish


Recent progress on programming methods for industrial robots, Zengxi Pan, Joseph Polden, Nathan Larkin, Stephen van Duin, and John Norrish


Organization-based social marketing: An alternative approach for organizations adopting sustainable business practices, Mary Franks Papakosmas, Gary Noble, and John Glynn

Omega-3 supplementation and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Helen M. Parker, Nathan A. Johnson, Catriona A. Burdon, Jeffrey S. Cohn, Helen T. O'Connor, and Jacob George

Psychosocial barriers to playground activity levels, Anne-Maree Parrish, Don Iverson, Ken Russell, and Heather Yeatman


Using interviews and peer pairs to better understand how school environments affect young children's playground physical activity levels: a qualitative study, Anne-Maree Parrish, Heather Yeatman, Donald Iverson, and Ken Russell


Heterogeneous agendas around public engagement in stem cell research: the case for maintaining plasticity, Sarah Parry, Wendy Faulkner, Sarah Cunningham-Burley, and Nicola J. Marks


The "review of Australia's future tax system": implications for local government in Australia and recommendations, John Passant and John McLaren

High strength thin-walled rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular slender beam-columns, Part I: modeling, Vipulkumar Ishvarbhai Patel, Qing Quan Liang, and Muhammad N. S Hadi


Inelastic stability analysis of high strength rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular slender beam-columns, Vipulkumar Ishvarbhai Patel, Qing Quan Liang, and Muhammad N. S Hadi


Australia's Black Saturday fires - comparison of techniques for estimating emissions from vegetation fires, Clare Paton-Walsh, Louisa K. Emmons, and Christine Wiedinmyer

New graduate mental health nurse competencies, Christopher F. Patterson, Lorna J. Moxham, and Janette Curtis

Social contact, efficacy and support amongst Australian fathers, Roger Patulny

Introduction to the Special Issue on emotions in social life and social policy, Roger Patulny and Natasha Cortis

Advancing wellbeing research: Would Americans be happier if they lived like Australians?, Roger Patulny and Kimberly Fisher

Questioning the need for social mix - the implications of friendship diversity amongst Australian social housing tenants, Roger Patulny and Alan Morris


Poor mothers and lonely single males: the ‘essentially’ excluded women and men of Australia, Roger Patulny and Melissa Wong


Tourism in technology dead zones: documenting experiential dimensions, Philip Pearce and Ulrike Gretzel


Building better systems of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: findings from the Kanyini health systems assessment, David Peiris, Alex Brown, Michael Howard, Bernadette A. Rickards, Andrew Tonkin, Ian T. Ring, Noel Hayman, and Alan Cass


The treatment of cardiovascular risk in primary care using electronic decision support (TORPEDO) study: Intervention development and protocol for a cluster randomised, controlled trial of an electronic decision support and quality improvement intervention in Australian primary healthcare, David Peiris, Tim Usherwood, Kathryn S. Panaretto, Mark Fort Harris, Jenny Hunt, Bindu Patel, Nicholas Zwar, Julie Redfern, Stephen MacMahon, Stephen Colagiuri, Noel Hayman, and Anushka Patel


Whole genome characterization of the mechanisms of daptomycin resistance in clinical and laboratory derived isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Anton Y. Peleg, Spiros Miyakis, Doyle V. Ward, Ashlee M. Earl, Aileen Rubio, David R. Cameron, Satish Pillai, Robert C. Moellering, and George M. Eliopoulos

Organizational transactive memory systems : Review and extension, Vesa Peltokorpi

The impact of expatriate personality traits on cross-cultural adjustment: A study with expatriates in Japan, Vesa Peltokorpi and Fabian Jintae Froese

Language policies and practices in wholly owned foreign subsidiaries: A recontextualization perspective, Vesa Peltokorpi and Eero Vaara


Professionalism and social networking: can patients, physicians, nurses, and supervisors all be "friends?", Joy Peluchette, Katherine Karl, Alberto Coustasse, and Dennis Emmett


Growing use of social media: How can dietitians embrace this trend?, Qingcai Peng and Yasmine Probst

3D network magnetophotonic crystals fabricated on Morpho butterfly wing templates, Wenhong Peng, Shenmin Zhu, Wanlin Wang, Wang Zhang, Jiajun Gu, Xiaobin Hu, Di Zhang, and Zhixin Chen

From listening... to the dialogic realities of participatory democracy, Robyn Penman and Sue Turnbull

Socially inclusive processes: new opportunities with new media?, Robyn Penman and Sue Turnbull