The University of Wollongong Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health was formed in 2013 following an organisational restructure. It comprised an amalgamation of the former Faculty of Science, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences. This series follows SMAH Papers: Part A. Related series: Faculty of Science - Papers (Archive); Graduate School of Medicine - Papers (Archive); Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sicences - Papers (Archive).


Papers from 2018

Post-eruptive sedimentary processes in volcanic crater lakes: implications for deciphering the Samoan sedimentary record, A Fepuleai, S J. Gale, N A. Wales, S P.L McInerney, Kirti Lal, and Brent V. Alloway

Safety and efficacy of ulnar artery approach for percutaneous cardiac catheterization: Systematic review and meta-analysis, Ritin S. Fernandez, Fady Zaky, Avedis Ekmejian, Elizabeth A. Curtis, and Astin Lee


The Devil in the Deep: Expanding the Known Habitat of a Rare and Protected Fish, Lachlan Fetterplace, John Turnbull, Nathan A. Knott, and Natasha Hardy

Coherent patterns of environmental change at multiple organic spring sites in northwest Australia: Evidence of Indonesian-Australian summer monsoon variability over the last 14,500 years, Emily Field, Jonathan J. Tyler, Patricia S. Gadd, Patrick Moss, Hamish A. McGowan, and Samuel K. Marx


Methyl, ethyl, and propyl nitrates: global distribution and impacts on reactive nitrogen in remote marine environments, Jenny A. Fisher, Elliot L. Atlas, Barbara Barletta, Simone Meinardi, Donald R. Blake, Chelsea R. Thompson, Thomas B. Ryerson, Jeff Peischl, Zitely A. Tzompa-Sosa, and Lee Murray


Physiological responses to a five-day adventure race: Continuous blood glucose, hemodynamics and metabolites the 2012 GODZone field-study, Monique E. Francois, Samuel Cosgrove, Nicole Walker, Samuel Lucas, and Katherine Black


Combining short-term interval training with caloric restriction improves ß-cell function in obese adults, Monique E. Francois, Nicole Gilbertson, Natalie Eichner, Emily Heiston, Chiara Fabris, Marc Breton, J Mehaffey, Taryn Hassinger, Peter Hallowell, and Steven Malin


Carbohydrate restriction with postmeal walking effectively mitigates postprandial hyperglycemia and improves endothelial function in type 2 diabetes, Monique E. Francois, Etienne Myette-Cote, Tyler Bammert, Cody Durrer, Helena Neudorf, Christopher DeSouza, and Jonathan P. Little

Cardiovascular benefits of combined interval training and post-exercise nutrition in type 2 diabetes, Monique E. Francois, Kevin Pistawka, Frank Halperin, and Jonathan P. Little

Tracking geomorphic recovery in process-based river management, Kirstie Fryirs, Gary J. Brierley, Fergus Hancock, Tim J. Cohen, Andrew P. Brooks, Ivars Reinfelds, Nick Cook, and Allan Raine


The ANSTO - University of Wollongong in-situ 14C extraction laboratory, Reka H. Fulop, David Fink, Bin Yang, Alexandru Tiberiu Codilean, A M. Smith, Lukas Wacker, Vladimir Levchenko, and Tibor J. Dunai


Remodeling the endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis network restores proteostasis of pathogenic GABA A receptors, Yan-Lin Fu, Dong-Yun Han, Ya-Juan Wang, Xiao-Jing Di, Haibo Yu, and Ting-Wei Mu

The Emergence of Shell Valuable Exchange in the New Guinea Highlands, Dylan Gaffney, Glenn Summerhayes, Katherine A. Szabo, and Brent Koppel

The enigma of rare Quaternary oolites in the Indian and Pacific Oceans: A result of global oceanographic physicochemical conditions or a sampling bias?, Stephen Gallagher, L Reuning, T Himmler, J Henderiks, D De Vleeschouwer, J Groeneveld, A Rastigar Lari, C Fulthorpe, K Bogus, W Renema, Helen V. McGregor, M Kominz, G Auer, S Baranwal, S Castaneda, B A. Christensen, D R. Franco, Michael Gurnis, C Haller, Y He, T Ishiwa, H Iwatani, R Jatiningrum, C Korpanty, E Y. Lee, E Levin, B L. Mamo, C M. McHugh, B Petrick, Donald C. Potts, H Takayanagi, and W Zhang


Error Budget for Geolocation of Spectroradiometer Point Observations from an Unmanned Aircraft System, Deepak Gautam, Christopher J. Watson, Arko Lucieer, and Zbynek Malenovky

Facies delineation and sandstone prediction using seismic sedimentology and seismic inversion in the Eocene Huizhou Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China, Jiawang Ge, Xiaomin Zhu, Brian G. Jones, Yue Zhang, Handong Huang, and Yu Shu

Controls of faulting on synrift infill patterns in the Eocene PY4 Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea, J Ge, X Zhu, F Yu, Brian G. Jones, and W Tao

A widespread compositionally bimodal tephra sourced from Volcán Melimoyu (44°S, Northern Patagonian Andes): Insights into magmatic reservoir processes and opportunities for regional correlation, C Geoffroy, Brent V. Alloway, A Amigo, M Parada, F Gutierrez, A Castruccio, Nick J. G Pearce, E Morgado, and Patricio Moreno

Print Me an Organ? Ethical and Regulatory Issues Emerging from 3D Bioprinting in Medicine, Frederic Gilbert, Cathal D. O'Connell, Tajanka Mladenovska, and Susan M. Dodds


Deprescribing medications for older adults in the primary care context: A mixed studies review, Robyn J. Gillespie, Lindsey Harrison, and Judy Mullan

To screen or not to screen? Vitamin D deficiency in chronic mental illness, Ivana Goluza, Jay Borchard, Nalin Wijesinghe, Kishan Wijesinghe, and Nagesh B. Pai


On-demand electrical switching of antibody-antigen binding on surfaces, Barbara Gomes, Eleonora Cantini, Stefano Tommasone, Joshua Gibson, Xingyong Wang, Qiang Zhu, Jing Ma, James McGettrick, Trystan Watson, Jon A. Preece, Jackson Kirkman-Brown, Stephen Publicover, and Paula M. Mendes

Aboveground carbon sequestration in dry temperate forests varies with climate not fire regime, Chris Gordon, Eli Bendall, Mitchell G. Stares, Luke Collins, and Ross A. Bradstock


The selfie trap: A novel camera trap design for accurate small mammal identification, Ana Gracanin, Vanja Gracanin, and Katarina Maryann Mikac


An Audit of Australian Bread with a Focus on Loaf Breads and Whole Grain, Sara J. Grafenauer and Felicity Curtain

Mid- to late Pliocene (3.3-2.6 Ma) global sea-level fluctuations recorded on a continental shelf transect, Whanganui Basin, New Zealand, G R. Grant, J P. Sefton, M O. Patterson, T R. Naish, Gavin B. Dunbar, B W. Hayward, H E. G Morgans, Brent V. Alloway, D Seward, C A. Tapia, J G. Prebble, P J. J Kamp, R Mckay, C Ohneiser, and Gillian Turner


Calibration of isotopologue-specific optical trace gas analysers: A practical guide, David W. T Griffith

NKA enhances bladder-afferent mechanosensitivity via urothelial and detrusor activation, Luke Grundy, Russ Chess-Williams, Stuart Brierley, Kylie Mills, Kate H. Moore, Kylie J. Mansfield, Roselyn Rose'Meyer, Donna Sellers, and David David Grundy

High-resolution dynamic illustrations in soil micromorphology: A proposal for presenting and sharing primary research data in publication, Mario Gutierrez-Rodríguez, Maurizio Toscano, and Paul Goldberg


The Effect of Prenatal Home Visiting for Adolescent Mothers on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Taherh Hadian, Mojgan Mirghafourvand, Sakineh Mohammad-Alizadeh- Charandabi, Solmaz Ghanbari-Homayi, Jila Nahaeii, and Shahla Meedya


Improving the quality of healthcare: a cross-sectional study of the features of successful clinical networks, Mary Haines, Bernadette Brown, Catherine A. D'Este, Elizabeth Yano, Jonathan C. Craig, Sandy Middleton, Peter Castaldi, Carol Pollock, Kate Needham, William H. Watt, Elizabeth Elliott, Anthony Scott, Amanda Dominello, Emily Klineberg, Jo-An Atkinson, Christine L. Paul, and Sally Redman


Health screening for women with physical disability in Australian general practice: A survey, Elizabeth J. Halcomb, Kathleen Peters, and Elizabeth A. Smyth


Job satisfaction and career intentions of registered nurses in primary health care: An integrative review, Elizabeth J. Halcomb, Elizabeth A. Smyth, and Susan McInnes


The long-term assessment of air quality on an island in Malaysia, Nor Diana Abdu Halim, Mohd Talib Latif, Fatimah Ahamad, Doreena Dominick, Jing Chung, Liew Juneng, and Md Firoz Khan


A Geographical investigation of factors affecting the number of plants on northern and southern sand cays of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Sarah Hamylton


Gender inequalities in science won't self-correct: it's time for action, Sarah Hamylton, Ana Concejo, Luciana Esteves, and Shari L. Gallop


Mapping the Lagoon at Aldabra Atoll, Western Indian Ocean, Sarah Hamylton, Annelise Hagan, Nancy Bunbury, Frauke Fleischer-Dogley, and Tom Spencer


Incubation temperature and parental identity determine sex in the Australian agamid lizard Ctenophorus pictus, Alexander Hansson and Mats M. Olsson


The influence of incubation temperature on phenotype of Australian Painted Dragons (Ctenophorus pictus), Alexander Hansson and Mats M. Olsson


Completion rates and psychosocial intervention effectiveness in an Australian substance use therapeutic community, Michael Harley, Sabrina Pit, Trent Rees, and Susan J. Thomas


The good, the bad, and the uncertain: Contributions of volunteered geographic information to community disaster resilience, Billy Tusker Haworth, Eleanor Bruce, Joshua Whittaker, and Roisin Read

Documenting scarce and fragmented residues on stone tools: an experimental approach using optical microscopy and SEM-EDS, Elspeth H. Hayes and Veerle Rots


Variation and Likeness in Ambient Artistic Portraiture, Susan Hayes, Nick Rheinberger, Meagan Powley, Tricia Rawnsley, Linda Brown, Malcolm Brown, Karen Butler, Ann Clarke, Stephen Crichton, Maggie Henderson, Helen McCosker, Ann Musgrave, Joyce Wilcock, Darren Williams, Karin Yeaman, T Zaracostas, Adam Taylor, and Gordon G. Wallace


Cave art, art and geometric morphometrics: Shape changes and the babirusa of Sulawesi, Susan Hayes and Gerrit D. van den Bergh

Nutrition-related hospital presentations and admissions among radiotherapy outpatients: a systematic literature review, Emily Hazzard, Karen L. Walton, Anne T. McMahon, Marianna Milosavljevic, and Linda C. Tapsell

A snapshot of current Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) practice at Australian medical schools, Clare Heal, Karen D'Souza, Jennifer Banks, Bunmi S. Malau-Adulia, Richard Turner, Jane Smith, Ebony Bray, Lizzi Shires, and Ian G. Wilson


Validation of electronic medical data: Identifying diabetes prevalence in general practice, Joan Henderson, Stephen Barnett, Abhijeet Ghosh, Allan J. Pollack, Adam J. Hodgkins, Khin Than Win, Graeme C. Miller, and Andrew D. Bonney


Phytochemical studies on the Australian native plant species Acacia pycnantha and Jacaranda mimosifolia D.Don, Rudi Hendra and Paul A. Keller

Improving access and provision of pre-travel healthcare for travellers visiting friends and relatives: a review of the evidence, Anita Heywood and Nicholas Arnold Zwar


Repeated cyclone events reveal potential causes of sociality in coral-dwelling Gobiodon fishes, Martin Hing, Oya S. Klanten, Mark P. Dowton, Kylie Brown, and Marian Y. L Wong


Junior doctors, burnout and wellbeing Understanding the experience of burnout in general practice registrars and hospital equivalents, Rebekah I. Hoffman and Andrew D. Bonney

Does muscle guarding play a role in range of motion loss in patients with frozen shoulder?, L Hollmann, Mark Halaki, S J. Kamper, Mark D. Haber, and K Ginn

A global doubling of dust emissions during the Anthropocene?, James Hooper and Samuel K. Marx


Managing medications for individuals living with a dementia: Evaluating a web-based information resource for informal carers, Frances Horne, Pippa Burns, Victoria Traynor, Robyn Gillespie, Judy Mullan, Amanda Ann Baker, Lindsey Harrison, and Khin Than Win

Swash saturation: an assessment of available models, Michael G. Hughes, Tom Baldock, and Troels Aagaard


Effectiveness of a new model of primary care management on knee pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis: Protocol for the PARTNER STUDY, David Hunter, Rana Hinman, Jocelyn Bowden, Thorlene Egerton, Andrew M. Briggs, Stephen Bunker, Jessica Kasza, Andrew Forbes, Simon French, Marie Pirotta, Deborah A/Prof Deborah Schofield, Nicholas Arnold Zwar, and Kim Bennell


The effects and impact of second-hand cannabis smoke exposure on nurses working in the community, Miguel Iglesias, Joy Pertile, Luke J. Molloy, and Alex Chan


A systematic literature review of the effect of anthocyanins on gut microbiota populations, Ezinne O. Igwe, Karen E. Charlton, Yasmine Probst, Katherine Caldwell, and Michael Netzel

Enhancing hospital care of patients with cognitive impairment, Loretta Isaac, Elaine Buggy, Anita Sharma, Athena Karberis, Kim Maddock, and Kathryn M. Weston

Considerations to facilitate a US study that replicates PREDIMED, David R. Jacobs Jr, Kristina Petersen, Karianne Svendsen, Emilio Ros, Carol Sloan, Lyn Steffen, Linda C. Tapsell, and Penny Kris-Etherton


Optical dating of K-feldspar grains from Middle Pleistocene lacustrine sediment at Marathousa 1 (Greece), Zenobia Jacobs, Bo Li, Panagiotis Karkanas, Vangelis Tourloukis, Nick Thompson, Eleni Panagopoulou, and Katerina Harvati


Antioxidant neolignans from the twigs and leaves of Mitrephora wangii HU, Wuttichai Jaidee, Wisanu Maneerat, Raymond J. Andersen, Brian O. Patrick, Stephen G. Pyne, and Surat Laphookhieo

Regional structural hypo- and hyperconnectivity of frontal-striatal and frontal-thalamic pathways in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, David D. Jakabek, Brian D. Power, Matthew D. Macfarlane, Mark Walterfang, Dennis Velakoulis, Danielle Van Westen, Jimmy Latt, Markus Nilsson, Jeffrey C. L Looi, and Alexander Frizell Santillo

General practice palliative care: Patient and carer expectations, advance care plans and place of death - A systematic review, Claire E. Johnson, Peta McVey, Joel J. Rhee, Hugh E. Senior, Leanne Monterosso, Briony Williams, Julia Fallon-Ferguson, Matthew Grant, Harriet Nwachukwu, Michele Aubin, Patsy Yates, and Geoffrey (Geoff) Mitchell


Using Single-Molecule Approaches to Understand the Molecular Mechanisms of Heat-Shock Protein Chaperone Function, Caitlin Johnston, Nicholas Marzano, Antoine M. van Oijen, and Heath Ecroyd


The Mesozoic and Palaeozoic granitoids of north-western New Guinea, Benjamin M. Jost, Max Webb, and Lloyd T. White


Gold- and Silver-Catalysed Cyclisation Reactions of β-Amino Allenes, Liam Joyce, Anthony C. Willis, Christopher J. T Hyland, and Stephen G. Pyne


The possible role of the psychiatrist: The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender population in India, Warren Kealy-Bateman

Transgender ward allocation in single-sex mental health wards: contemporary considerations, Warren Kealy-Bateman, Tessa Daws, and Calina Ouliaris


Development, validation and reproducibility of a food frequency questionnaire to measure flavonoid intake in older Australian adults, Katherine S. Kent and Karen E. Charlton

Effect of long-term dietary beta-carotene supplementation on sperm concentration and motility in an endangered amphibian, Leesa Keogh, Phillip G. Byrne, and Aimee J. Silla


Dose and life stage-dependent effects of dietary beta-carotene supplementation on the growth and development of the Booroolong frog, Leesa Keogh, Aimee J. Silla, Michael McFadden, and Phillip G. Byrne


Design and synthesis of new functionalized isoindigo and (3Z,3′Z)-3,3′-(ethane-1,2-diylidene)bis(indolin-2-one) derivatives, Gholamhossein Khalili, Anthony C. Willis, and Paul A. Keller


Linguistic and Psychometric Validation of the Thai Version of Simplified Diabetes Knowledge Scale: A Measure of Knowledge of Diabetes in a Thai Population, Saneh Khunkaew, Ritin S. Fernandez, and Jenny Sim


The Experiences of people in Northern Thailand living with Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A descriptive qualitative study, Saneh Khunkaew, Patraporn Tungpunkom, Jenny Sim, and Ritin S. Fernandez


Miniature baited remote underwater video (mini-BRUV) reveals the response of cryptic fishes to seagrass cover, R Kiggins, Nathan A. Knott, and Andrew R. Davis

Elucidating the Polymeric Binder Distribution within Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes Using SAICAS, Kyuman Kim, Seoungwoo Byun, Jaecheol Choi, Seungbum Hong, Myung-Hyun Ryou, and Yong Lee


Chronic toxicity of an environmentally relevant and equitoxic ratio of five metals to two Antarctic marine microalgae shows complex mixture interactivity, Darren Koppel, Merrin Adams, Catherine K. King, and Dianne F. Jolley

Ancient ports of trade on the red sea coasts -the ‘parameters of attractiveness’ of site locations and human adaptations to fluctuating land- and sea-scapes. Case study berenike troglodytica, Southeastern Egypt, Anna M. Kotarba-Morley


Modelling hydrodynamic impacts of sea-level rise on wave-dominated Australian estuaries with differing geomorphology, Kristian Kumbier, Rafael Cabral Carvalho, and Colin D. Woodroffe

Investigating the environmental interpretation of oxygen and carbon isotope data from whole and fragmented bivalve shells, Jack H. Lacey, Melanie J. Leng, E Peckover, J R. Dean, Thomas Wilke, Alexander Francke, X Zhang, Alessia Masi, and Bernd Wagner


Phylogeography and population genomics of a lotic water beetle across a complex tropical landscape, Athena Lam, Morgan Gueuning, Carolin Kindler, Matthew Van Dam, Nadir Alvarez, Rawati Panjaitan, Helena Shaverdo, Lloyd T. White, George Roderick, and Michael Balke


Four surprising factors affecting adherence to the diet for diabetes, Kelly Lambert


How do patients and carers make sense of renal dietary advice? A qualitative exploration, Kelly Lambert, Kylie J. Mansfield, and Judy Mullan


What's the plan?: Supporting individualised care for hospitalised patients with stomas, Samuel Lapkin, Daniela Levido, Debra Palesy, Anne Mamo, Melanie Perez, Deborah Dutchak, and Ritin S. Fernandez

Comparison of the G and V methods for ventrogluteal site identification: Muscle and subcutaneous fat thicknesses and considerations for successful intramuscular injection, Theresa A. Larkin, Asmahan Elgellaie, and E Ashcroft

Effect of preoperative warming on intraoperative hypothermia: a randomized-controlled trial, Aaron Lau, Nasim Lowlaavar, Erin M. Cooke, Nicholas West, Alexandra German, Dan Morse, Matthias Gorges, and Richard Merchant


Swimrun: An emerging new endurance sport, Romuald Lepers, Francois-Xavier Li, and Paul J. Stapley

Variation of Age-Related Changes in Endurance Performance Between Modes of Locomotion in Men: An Analysis of Master World Records, Romuald Lepers, Paul J. Stapley, and Thomas Cattagni

Eccentric cycling emphasising a low cardiopulmonary demand increases leg strength equivalent to workload matched concentric cycling in middle age sedentary males, Michael C. Lewis, Gregory E. Peoples, Herb Groeller, and Marc A. Brown


The effects of antipsychotics on the density of cannabinoid receptors in selected brain regions of male and female adolescent juvenile rats, Jiamei Lian and Chao Deng


Regional-Scale Precipitation Anomalies in Northern China During the Holocene and Possible Impact on Prehistoric Demographic Changes, Jianyong Li, Hong Yan, John R. Dodson, Qinghai Xu, Aizhi Sun, Bo Cheng, Chunhai Li, Jian Ni, Xiaojian Zhang, and Fengyan Lu

A rapid quantitative fluorescence-based bioassay to study allelochemical interactions from Alexandrium minutum, Marc Long, Kévin Tallec, Philippe Soudant, Christophe Lambert, Fabienne Le Grand, Géraldine Sarthou, Dianne F. Jolley, and Helene Hegaret


Allelochemicals from Alexandrium minutum induce rapid inhibition of metabolism and modify the membranes from Chaetoceros muelleri, Marc Long, Kévin Tallec, Philippe Soudant, Fabienne Le Grand, Anne Donval, Christophe Lambert, Géraldine Sarthou, Dianne F. Jolley, and Helene Hegaret


Pre-pregnancy dietary carbohydrate quantity and quality, and risk of developing gestational diabetes: The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health, Moniek Looman, Danielle A. J. M Schoenaker, Sabita S. Soedamah-Muthu, Anouk Geelen, Edith Feskens, and Gita D. Mishra

Insight into invasion: Interactions between a critically endangered and invasive crayfish, Laura K. Lopez, Katie Hendry, Marian Y. L Wong, and Andrew R. Davis


Scheduling of eccentric lower limb injury prevention exercises during the soccer micro-cycle: Which day of the week?, Ric Lovell, Matthew Whalan, P Marshall, John Andrew Sampson, Jason Siegler, and M Buchheit

Do people with early stage dementia experience Prescribed Disengagement®? A systematic review of qualitative studies, Lee-Fay Low, Kate Swaffer, Margaret McGrath, and Henry Brodaty

The Organisation of Late Pleistocene Robberg Blade Technology in the Doring River Catchment, South Africa, Marika Low and Alex Mackay

Historical perspectives on the mangroves of Kakadu National Park, Richard M. Lucas, Colin M. Finlayson, Renee Bartolo, Kerrylee Rogers, Anthea Mitchell, Colin D. Woodroffe, Emma Asbridge, and Emilie-Jane Ens