
Papers from 2010

Diet, physical activity and cancer - the epidemiological evidence, Erica James, Victoria Flood, Bruce Armstrong, and Fiona Stacey

Surrealism and the sublime or the vertiginous plunging into the real, Klemens E. James

Do negative experiences always lead to dissatisfaction? - Testing attribution theory in the context of online travel reviews, Jingxian Jiang, Ulrike Gretzel, and Rob Law

Poisoning and overdose, Alison L. Jones

Writing food writing fiction writing life: Marion Halligan's memoirs, Dorothy Jones

The Shifting Meaning of Sustainability, Mary A. Kaidonis, Natalie Stoianoff, and Jane L. Andrew

Management of self-poisoning, L Karalleides and Alison L. Jones

Phosphatic features, Panagiotis Karkanas and Paul Goldberg

Implementing low intensity CBT in case management of clients with severe mental illness, David Kavanagh and Frank Deane

The protection of platforms, pipelines and submarine cables under Australian and New Zealand law, Stuart Kaye

Beneath the peat: A refined pollen record from an interstadial at Caledonia Fen, highland eastern Victoria, Australia, P. Kershaw, M. McKenzie, J. Brown, Richard G. Roberts, and S. van der Kaars

Inside, outside: nanobionics and human bodily experience, Renee Kyle and Susan Dodds

Paleoenvironmental records, geophysical modeling, and reconstruction of sea-level trends and variability on centennial and longer timescales, Kurt Lambeck, Colin Woodroffe, Fabrizio Antonioli, Marco Anzidei, W. Roland Gehrels, Jacques Laborel, and Alex Wright

Breaking through the frames of custom: A socio-cultural approach to learn singing, Lotte Latukefu


Going to the gym: the new urban ‘it’ space, Judith Laverty and Jan Wright


Designing a digital ecosystem for the new museum environment: the Virtual Museum of the Pacific, Jennie A. Lawson, Peter W. Eklund, Peter Goodall, Timothy Wray, Vinod Daniel, and Melanie Van Olffen

'Yet Thou Did Delivery Me': The Exemplary Life of Alice Thornton, Anne Lear

Graph Theory and Networks, Cassey H. Lee

The most difficult questions: a brief reflection inspired by K. Vela Velupillai's contributions in computable economics, evolution and complexity, Cassey H. Lee

The product exhaustion theorem, Cassey H. Lee

What corpora are available?, David Y. W. Lee

Creating the Future: Changing Culture Through Leadership Capacity Development, Geraldine E. Lefoe

Reusing the inter-organizational knowledge to support organizational knowledge management process: an ontology-based knowledge network, Nelson K. Y Leung, Sim Kim Lau, and Joshua Fan

Digging up the past in Singapore, Mainland China and Taiwan: research into the overseas Chinese merchants in the China-Singapore trade, Jason Lim

Human action recognition with expandable graphical models, Wanqing Li, Zhengyou Zhang, Zicheng Liu, and Philip Ogunbona

A multiple-bits watermark for relational data, Yingjiu Li, Hui Guo, and Shuhong Wang

Degrees of relation: Iris Murdoch and A. S. Byatt: a narratological comparison, Joshua M. Lobb


Narratives of Technological Revolution in the Middle Ages, Adam Robert Lucas

The scripted life of Peig Sayers, Irene M. Lucchitti


Anxieties and aspirations: The making of active, informed citizens, Doune Macdonald, Jan Wright, and R. Abbott

'Osutoraria no daigaku ni okeru Nihongo Kyoiku oyobi Nihon Kenkyu no Genjo to Genkai', Vera Mackie

Sekai no Naka no Nihon no Feminizumu, Vera Mackie

Soshukoku no Manazashi: Shikaku Bunka ni Mirareru Modan Garu, Vera Mackie

Modernism and Colonial Modernity in Early Twentieth Century Japan, Vera C. Mackie

Reading Lolita in Japan, Vera C. Mackie

Archaeological materials, Richard I. M Macphail and Paul Goldberg

Appliable linguistics and english language teaching: the Scaffolding Literacy in Adult and Tertiary Environments (SLATE) project, Ahmar Mahboob, Shoshana J. Dreyfus, Sally Humphrey, and James R. Martin

On the modelling of pressure drop for dense phase pneumatic conveying of powders, Soumya Suddha Mallick and Peter W. Wypych

From means to ends and back again, Brian Martin

The Chinese trade in women and children from Northern Vietnam, Julia Martinez

Long-distance transport of urban and industrial metals and their incorporation into the environment: Sources, transport pathways and historical trends, Samuel K. Marx and Hamish A. McGowan


Evaluative stance in humanities: expectations and performances, Erika S. Matruglio

Emergence in physics, Patrick H. McGivern and Alexander Rueger

Stakeholder involvement in fisheries management in Australia and New Zealand, Alistair McIlgorm and Daryl Sykes

Teaching creative engagement, Barbra McKenzie

"Aboriginal art and globalisation", Ian A. McLean

Australian Indigenous Art, Ian A. McLean

Event horizon: the ends of art, Ian A. McLean

The authenticity of Australian Aboriginal painting in the age of globalisation, Ian A. McLean

Wunderkammering, Ian A. McLean

The "Beautiful Boy" in Japanese Girls' Manga, Mark J. McLelland

Creativity, Digitality, and Twenty-First-Century Schooling, Erica McWilliam, Jen Pei-Ling Tan, and Shane P. Dawson


Head-tracking haptic computer interface for the blind, Simon Meers and Koren Ward

A linked study: effective pre-school provision in Northern Ireland, Edward Melhuish

Why children, parents and home learning are important, Edward Melhuish


England: Sure Start, Edward Melhuish and Jay Belsky


Evaluating Sure Start in England, Edward Melhuish and Jay Belsky

Child health and well-being in the early years: the National Evaluation of Sure Start, Edward Melhuish, Jay Belsky, and Jacqueline Barnes


Le programme Sure Start et son evaluation en Angleterre, Edward Melhuish, Jay Belsky, and Jacqueline Barnes


Sure start and its evaluation in England, Edward Melhuish, Jay Belsky, and Jacqueline Barnes

Cultural citizenship: a world historical perspective, Gregory C. Melleuish

History in the national curriculum, Gregory C. Melleuish

Cognitive Integration and the Extended Mind, Richard A. Menary

Introduction: The extended mind in focus, Richard A. Menary

The virtuous whisky drinker and living well, Richard A. Menary

Building social relationships in a virtual community of gamers, Shafiz Mohd Affendi Yusof

Coastal lagoon management in three Pacific island situations: Is scientific knowledge used effectively?, Robert John Morrison and Ursula Kaly

Hybrid methods for protein structure prediction, D. Mouradov, B. Kobe, Nicholas E. Dixon, and Thomas Huber

Relations between violent non-state actors and ordinary crime, Samuel J. Mullins and Adam Dolnik

Mechanistic explanations for drought-related mortality of juvenile red kangaroos: implications for population dymanics and modelling, Adam J. Munn and Terence J. Dawson

In Ren Jia Country: negotiating cultural belonging in Diaspora, Wenche Ommundsen

Productive crisis: cultural citizenship in social theory, Wenche Ommundsen

Work in Progress: Multicultural Writing in Australia, Wenche Ommundsen

Writing as cultural negotiation: Suneeta Peres da Costa and Alice Pung, Wenche Ommundsen

Introduction, Wenche Ommundsen, Michael Leach, and Andrew Vandenberg

L’archipel de l’archipel, Mary Ann Palma

Pirates et Philippins, toute une histoire – d’avenir, Mary Ann Palma

Detection of Amorphous Silica in Oxidized Maxthal Ti3SiC2 at 500-1000°C, Wei Kong Pang, Itmeng Low, J V. Hanna, and J P. Palmquist

The effectiveness of health informatics, Francesco Paolucci, Henry Ergas, Terry Hannan, and Jos Aarts

Sperm competition in the Macropodoidea: a review of evidence, J. Paplinska, R. Bencini, D. Fisher, G. Newell, A. Goldizen, S. Hazlitt, D. Sigg, G. Finlayson, Adam Munn, Brian Chambers, and D. Taggart

Women in militant movements, Swati Parashar

Women, militancy, and security: the South Asian conundrum, Swati Parashar

Emotional intelligence for exemplary leadereship, Dominique Parrish

Building research capacity, Elizabeth Patterson, Elizabeth Halcomb, Rosemary Mahomed, Judy Evans, and Katrina Mcnalty

Emotional competence: Development and intervention, Francisco Pons, Marc de Rosnay, Bettina G. Andersen, and Frederique Cuisinier

On the cognitive nature of emotions and the emotional nature of cognitions, Francisco Pons, Marc de Rosnay, Frederique Cuisinier, and Patrick K. Bender


Jihad sheilas or media martyrs: Muslim women and the media, Julie N. Posetti

Complicity, critique and methodology: Australian con/texts, Fiona Probyn-Rapsey

Maritime domain awareness in Australia and New Zealand, Chris Rahman

Cultural equilibriums and linguistic dislocations: the poetry of Paolo Totaro, Gaetano Rando

Nonpharmacologic prevention and treatment of hypertension, Brian Rayner, Karen E. Charlton, Estelle V. Lambert, and Wayne Derman


In vivo measurement of plant respiration, M. Ribas-Carbo, J. Flexas, Sharon A. Robinson, and G. G.B. Tcherkez

Water requirements of biota, geomorphology and climate change in the Macquarie Marshes, Kerrylee Rogers, Tim Ralph, and Sarah Imgraben

A new accountability for the moral geography of gifting relationships, Kathleen M. Rudkin and Kathleen A. Cooper

The mythology of male rape: social attitudes and law enforcement, Philip Rumney and Natalia K. Hanley

Introduction-Joron: Higashi Ajia ni Okeru Modan Garu to Shokuminchiteki Kindai, Ito Ruri, Tani Barlow, Vera Mackie, Sakamoto Hiroko, and Barbara Sato

Economic Recession-A Boon or Bane for Wal-Mart, Ravindra Saxena and Arpana Sharma

The outer continental shelf in the Asia-Pacific Region: Progress and prospects, Clive Schofield, Andi Arsana, and Robert Van De Poll

Reproducing empire in same sex relationship recognition and immigration law reform, Nan Seuffert

The TPPA and financial sector deregulation, Nan Seuffert and Jane Kelsey