
Submissions from 2024


How professionals work and learn in digitalised work contexts: Insights from an Australian survey of Education Professionals, Shirley Agostinho, Lori Lockyer, Kellie Buckley-Walker, Sarojni Choy, Sue Bennett, Allison Littlejohn, and Claire Rogerson


How professionals work and learn in digitalised work contexts: Insights from an Australian survey of Health professionals, Shirley Agostinho, Lori Lockyer, Kellie Buckley-Walker, Sarojni Choy, Sue Bennett, Allison Littlejohn, and Claire Rogerson


Bega Valley’s food environment, Karen Charlton, Katherine Kent, and Alemayehu Gebremariam


Eurobodalla Shire’s food environment, Karen Charlton, Katherine Kent, and Alemayehu Gebremariam


Illawarra and Shoalhaven region’s food environment, Karen Charlton, Katherine Kent, and Alemayehu Gebremariam


Kiama’s food environment, Karen Charlton, Katherine Kent, and Alemayehu Gebremariam


Shellharbour’s food environment, Karen Charlton, Katherine Kent, and Alemayehu Gebremariam


Shoalhaven’s food environment, Karen Charlton, Katherine Kent, and Alemayehu Gebremariam


Wollongong’s food environment, Karen Charlton, Katherine Kent, and Alemayehu Gebremariam


How Much Does It Cost to Buy Healthy Food in the Illawarra?, Katy Fishlock, Karen Charlton, Karen Walton, Katherine Kent, and Meron Lewis


India and collective defence in the Indo-Pacific: Possibilities, prospects and challenges, Prakash Gopal


“There is no food bank I can access...”: Food Insecurity and Use of Emergency Food Relief in Tasmania, Katherine Kent, Ami Seivwright, Denis Visentin, and Sandra Murray


Report on placement poverty among Australasian health and teaching students, Kelly Lambert, Kylie Austin, Karen Charlton, Meredith Kennedy, Katherine Kent, Janna Lutze, Gabrielle O'Flynn, Yasmine Probst, Karen Walton, and Anne McMahon


Taking care of Country: School design challenge, Anthony McKnight, Tiffani Apps, Shirley Agostinho, and Lauren Knussen


Urban Agriculture in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven: Commercial and Social Enterprises, Suzy Pickles, Karen Charlton, Anne McMahon, Anita Stefoska-Needham, and Katherine Kent


Urban Agriculture in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven: Community Gardens, Suzy Pickles, Karen Charlton, Anne McMahon, Anita Stefoska-Needham, and Katherine Kent


“My kids have them 5 days a week…”: The Use of Infant Squeeze Pouches in Tasmanian Children, Bianca Smith, Catharine Fleming, Ami Seivwright, and Katherine Kent


Domestic Violence Identification and Response for Refugee Women in Settlement Services (The SAHAR Study), Jo Spangaro, Nigel Spence, Jacqui Cameron, Kelsey Hegarty, Jane Koziol-McLain, Nicola Man, Tadgh McMahon, Astrid Perry, Chye Toole-Anstey, Jeannette Walsh, and Anthony Zwi

Papers from 2023


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Questions and Answers about the Effects of Ozone Depletion, UV Radiation, and Climate on Humans and the Environment. Supplement of the 2022 Assessment Report of the UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Mads P. Sulbaek Andersen, Anthony L. Andrady, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Paul Barnes, Germar H. Bernhard, Scott N. Byrne, Anu M. Heikkila, Rachael Ireland, Marcel A. K Jansen, Sasha Madronich, Richard L. McKenzie, Rachel Neale, Patrick J. Neale, Rachele Ossola, Qing-Wei Wang, Sten-Ake Wangberg, Christopher C. White, Stephen R. Wilson, Richard G. Zepp, and Sharon A. Robinson


Environmental Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, UV Radiation, and interactions with Climate Change: 2022 Assessment Report, Anthony L. Andrady, Pieter J. Aucamp, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Paul W. Barnes, Germar H. Bernhard, Janet F. Bornman, D P. Hader, Anu M. Heikkila, Samuel Hylander, Janice Longstreth, Sasha Madronich, Patrick J. Neale, Rachel Neale, Krishna K. Pandey, Lesley E. Rhodes, Sharon A. Robinson, Matthew Robson, Kevin C. Rose, Barbara Sulzberger, Craig E. Williamson, Christopher C. White, Richard G. Zepp, Stephen R. Wilson, Sten-Ake Wangberg, Seyhan Yazar, and Antony R. Young

A Method for Cleaning International Food Trade Data For Regional Analysis: The Pacific Food Trade Database, Tom D. Brewer, Neil L. Andrew, Michael K. Sharp, Anne Marie Thow, Helani Kottage, and Stuart Jones


Overwhelmed and Frustrated: Experiences of workplace sexual harassment and discrimination; the barriers faced with the legal system, Amanda Chan, Zana Bytheway, Jessica C. Oldfield, Rachel Loney-Howes, and Georgina Heydon


Recreational biosecurity hygiene and a trial of footwear cleaning stations in Kosciuszko National Park: Walkers’ use of stations, influences on use, and recommendations for future communication, installation, and design, Nicholas Gill, Leonie Miller, and Maryann Barrington


Advanced Missile Systems and Operations in the Western Pacific: Threats and Opportunities, Prakash Gopal and Chris Rahman


Aligning Strategy with Policy Objectives in National and Coalition Defence Planning, Prakash Gopal and Chris Rahman


Scenarios for Wargaming: ADF Contributions to Coalition Operations in the Western Pacific, Prakash Gopal and Chris Rahman


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Plastics in the environment in the context of UV radiation, climate change and the Montreal Protocol. 2023 Assessment Update of the UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Marcel A. K Jansen, Anthony L. Andrady, Janet F. Bornman, Pieter J. Aucamp, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Anastazia T. Banaszak, Paul W. Barnes, Germar H. Bernhard, Laura S. Bruckman, Rosa Busquets, Donat P. Hader, Mark L. Hanson, Anu M. Heikkila, Samuel Hylander, Robyn M. Lucas, Roy Mackenzie, Sasha Madronich, Patrick J. Neale, Rachel E. Neale, Catherine M. Olsen, Rachele Ossola, Krishna K. Pandey, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Laura E. Revell, Sharon A. Robinson, T Matthew Robson, Kevin C. Rose, Keith R. Solomon, Mads P. Sulbaek Andersen, Barbara Sulzberger, Timothy J. Wallington, Qing-Wei Wang, Sten-Ake Wangberg, Christopher C. White, Antony R. Young, Richard G. Zepp, and Liping Zhu


Australia's Evolving Defence Requirements Over the Coming Decade, Jack McCaffrie and Chris Rahman


Missile Defence and Operations in the Western Pacific, Jack McCaffrie and Chris Rahman


The ADF Role in Coalition Economic Warfare Operations, Jack McCaffrie and Chris Rahman


Australia's Geopolitical Interests, Chris Rahman


Evolving US Marine Corps Concepts: Implications for the ADF, Chris Rahman


Taiwan in Geostrategic Context and Alliance Strategy, Chris Rahman


The Strategy Function in Australian Defence Planning: Ends, Ways and Means in a Rapidly Changing International Environment, Chris Rahman


The Relationship Between Deterrence and Defence Planning, Chris Rahman and Prakash Gopal


US Strategic Planning for the Indo-Pacific: Implications for ANZUS, Chris Rahman and Jack McCaffrie


Programa del Medio Ambiente de las Naciones Unidas (UNEP), Preguntas y Respuestas acerca de los Efectos de la Disminución del Ozono, la Radiación Ultravioleta y el Clima en los humanos y el Medio Ambiente. Suplemento del Reporte de Evaluación 2022 del Panel de Evaluación de los Efectos en el Medio Ambiente de las Naciones Unidas, Mads P. Sulbaek Andersen, Anthony L. Andrady, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Paul Barnes, Germar H. Bernhard, Scott N. Byrne, Anu M. Heikkila, Rachael Ireland, Marcel A. K Jansen, Sasha Madronich, Richard L. McKenzie, Rachel Neale, Patrick J. Neale, Rachele Ossola, Qing-Wei Wang, Sten-Ake Wangberg, Christopher C. White, Stephen R. Wilson, Richard G. Zepp, and Sharon A. Robinson

Papers from 2022


Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment: A Decadal Synopsis and Recommendations for Action, Steven L. Chown, Rachel I. Leihy, Tim R. Naish, Cassandra M. Brooks, Peter Convey, Benjamin J. Henley, Andrew N. Mackintosh, Laura M. Phillips, Mahlon C. Kennicutt II, and Susie M. Grant

Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Cross-Chapter Paper 6: Polar Regions, Andrew J. Constable, Sherilee Harper, Jackie Dawson, Tero Mustonen, Dieter Piepenburg, Björn Rost, Stef Bokhorst, Julia Boike, Ashlee Cunsolo, Chris Derksen, Pauliina Feodoroff, James D. Ford, Stephen E.L. Howell, Angélica Casanova Katny, Joanna Petrasek MacDonald, Åshild Ønvik Pedersen, Sharon A. Robinson, Dalee Sambo Dorough, Vyacheslav Shadrin, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Sharon Smith, Dmitry Streletskiy, Megumu Tsujimoto, and Brie Van Dam


Evaluation of NSW Family and Carer Mental Health Program: Final Report, R Gordon, P Grootemaat, Carol Loggie, Mijanur Rahman, and Peri O'Shea


Evaluation of NSW Family and Carer Mental Health Program: Summary Report, R Gordon, Carol Loggie, P Grootemaat, Mijanur Rahman, and Peri O'Shea


Hygrothermal Performance of Vapour-Permeable Wall Membranes in Cooler Australian Climates: Comparative Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis – Addendum, January 2022, Alan Green and Paul Cooper


Development of Version 1 of the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model for community transport, Conrad Kobel, Carol Loggie, A Westera, R Gordon, and Kathy Eagar


AHSRI 2021 Annual Report, Australian Health Services Research Institute


Body Mass Index and persistent pain in Australia: Patient characteristics and treatment outcomes, Dinberu Shebeshi, Samuel F. Allingham, Hilarie Tardif, and David Holloway


Body Mass Index and persistent pain in New Zealand: Patient characteristics and treatment outcomes, Dinberu Shebeshi, Samuel F. Allingham, Hilarie Tardif, and David Holloway


Understanding the barriers to skills development for energy efficiency in commercial building HVAC, Elyse Stanes, Chantel A. Carr, Pauline M. McGuirk, Daniel Daly, Matthew Daly, and Inka Santala


Evaluation of the Improving Social Connectedness of Older Australians project pilot: Informing future policy considerations, Cristina Thompson, Darcy Morris, and Sonia Bird


Household Food Security Data Consensus Statement, Miriam Williams, Katherine Kent, Simone Sheriff, Sue Kleve, Stephanie Godrich, Sandra Murray, Seema Mihrshahi, Elizabeth Millen, Fiona McKay, Rebecca Lindberg, Karen Charlton, Danielle Gallegos, Miri Raven, Jacqueline Davison, Amanda Lee, Carol Richards, Francis Markham, and Berbel Franse

Papers from 2021


Summary Update 2021 for Policymakers: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, P W. Barnes, J F. Bornman, K K. Pandey, G H. Bernhard, R E. Neale, Sharon A. Robinson, P J. Neale, R G. Zepp, S Madronich, C C. White, M P S Andersen, A L. Andrady, P J. Aucamp, A F. Bais, A T. Banaszak, M Berwick, L S. Bruckman, S N. Byrne, B Foereid, D-P Häder, A M. Heikkilä, L M. Hollestein, W-C Hou, S Hylander, M A K Jansen, A R. Klekociuk, J B. Liley, J Longstreth, R M. Lucas, J Martinez-Abaigar, R L. McKenzie, K McNeill, C M. Olsen, R Ossola, N D. Paul, L E. Rhodes, T M. Robson, K C. Rose, T Schikowski, K R. Solomon, B Sulzberger, J E. Ukpebor, Q-W Wang, S-Å Wängberg, C E. Williamson, S. R. Wilson, S Yazar, A R. Young, L Zhu, and M Zhu


Better Ways to Work: HVAC management, repair and maintenance in the mid-tier commercial office sector, Chantel A. Carr, Elyse Stanes, Matthew Daly, Daniel Daly, and Pauline M. McGuirk


Identifying common issues in mid-tier HVAC maintenance: Commercial Offices, Aged Care, Hotels and Shopping Centre, Daniel Daly, Matthew Daly, Inka Santala, Chantel A. Carr, Elyse Stanes, and Pauline M. McGuirk


Mapping decision-making and opportunities for improving energy efficiency across the mid-tier HVAC maintenance lifecycle, Matthew Daly, Chantel A. Carr, Inka Santala, Daniel Daly, Elyse Stanes, and Pauline M. McGuirk


Evaluation of the NSW Family and Carer Mental Health Program: Interim Report, R. Gordon, P. Grootemaat, Mijanur Rahman, Carol Loggie, and Peri O'Shea


Hygrothermal Performance of Vapour-Permeable Wall Membranes in Cooler Australian Climates: Comparative Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis, Alan Green and Paul Cooper


Thermal Bridging of Horizontal Ceilings under Pitched Roofs, Alan Green, Leela Kempton, Paul Cooper, and Georgios Kokogiannakis


Mental Health Talanoa (MHT) Research and Resources: Collaborative Community Engagement Enhancing Mental Health and Wellbeing Across Pacific Communities, Jioji Ravulo, Ursula Winterstein, and Shannon Said


AHSRI 2020 Annual Report, Australian Health Services Research Institute


Table showing nomenclature for differentiation of three classes of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters obtained by LIFT/FRRF from those obtained in the saturating pulse of PAM, Sharon A. Robinson


Profile of adult patients referred for specialist pain management in New Zealand, ePPOC Information Series No. 1, Dinberu Shebeshi, Samuel F. Allingham, Hilarie Tardif, and Janelle M. White


Characteristics and outcomes of individuals reporting low back pain, ePPOC Information Series No. 2, Hilarie Tardif, Samuel F. Allingham, and Janelle M. White


Pathways to Community Living Initiative – Final Evaluation Report, Kathryn E. Williams, Conrad Kobel, Anita Westera, Peri O'Shea, Mijanur Rahman, Darcy Morris, and Cristina J. Thompson

Submissions from 2020


AROC Annual Report – The state of inpatient rehabilitation in Australia in 2019, Tara L. Alexander, Frances D. Simmonds, Jacquelin T. Capell, and Lewis J. Green


AROC Annual Report – The state of inpatient rehabilitation in New Zealand in 2019, Tara L. Alexander, Frances D. Simmonds, Jacquelin T. Capell, and Lewis J. Green

Impairment Specific Report on Brain Injury (Calendar Year 2019)., Tara L. Alexander, Frances D. Simmonds, Jacquelin T. Capell, and Lewis J. Green

Impairment Specific Report on Orthopaedic Fractures (Calendar Year 2019)., Tara L. Alexander, Frances D. Simmonds, Jacquelin T. Capell, and Lewis J. Green

Impairment Specific Report on Orthopaedic Replacements (Calendar Year 2019)., Tara L. Alexander, Frances D. Simmonds, Jacquelin T. Capell, and Lewis J. Green

Impairment Specific Report on Reconditioning (Calendar Year 2019)., Tara L. Alexander, Frances D. Simmonds, Jacquelin T. Capell, and Lewis J. Green

Impairment Specific Report on Spinal Cord Injury (Calendar Year 2019)., Tara L. Alexander, Frances D. Simmonds, Jacquelin T. Capell, and Lewis J. Green

Impairment Specific Report on Stroke (Calendar Year 2019)., Tara L. Alexander, Frances D. Simmonds, Jacquelin T. Capell, and Lewis J. Green

Patient Outcomes in Palliative Care – Queensland, July - December 2019., Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Claire Christiansen, Anna McPherson, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, and Kathy Eagar


A profile of patients receiving palliative care in Queensland for July – December 2019, Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Claire Christiansen, Anna McPherson, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, Kathy Eagar, and Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration

Patient Outcomes in Palliative Care in Australia: National report for July – December 2019., Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, and Kathy Eagar


A profile of patients receiving palliative care in Australia for July – December 2019, Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, Kathy Eagar, and Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration

Patient Outcomes in Palliative Care – Victoria, July to December 2019., Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Jane F. Healey, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, and Kathy Eagar


A profile of patients receiving palliative care in Victoria for July – December 2019, Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Jane F. Healey, Martin Kaltner, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, Kathy Eagar, and Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration

Patient Outcomes in Palliative Care – NSW and ACT, July - December 2019., Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Le-Tisha T. Kable, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, and Kathy Eagar


A profile of patients receiving palliative care in NSW and ACT for July – December 2019, Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Le-Tisha T. Kable, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, Kathy Eagar, and Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration

Patient Outcomes in Palliative Care – South Australia, July – December 2019., Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Tanya Pidgeon, Natalie Joseph, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, and Kathy Eagar

Patient Outcomes in Palliative Care – Western Australia, July - December 2019., Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Tanya Pidgeon, Natalie Joseph, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, and Kathy Eagar


A profile of patients receiving palliative care in South Australia for July – December 2019, Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Tanya Pidgeon, Natalie Joseph, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, Kathy Eagar, and Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration


A profile of patients receiving palliative care in Western Australia for July – December 2019, Samuel F. Allingham, Samuel J. Burns, Tanya Pidgeon, Natalie Joseph, Linda M. Foskett, Sabina P. Clapham, Barbara A. Daveson, Kathy Eagar, and Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration


Patient Outcomes in Pain Management: Enterprise One Paediatric Pain Management Service, 2020 Mid Year Report for 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020, Samuel F. Allingham, Karen Quinsey, Meredith P. Bryce, Kate V. Cameron, and Hilarie Tardif


Patient Outcomes in Pain Management: Enterprise One Pain Management Service, 2020 Mid Year Report for 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020, Samuel F. Allingham, Hilarie Tardif, Karen Quinsey, Meredith P. Bryce, Kate V. Cameron, Janelle M. White, Jane Royle, and Sarah E. Damm

Anywhere Hospital AROC Ambulatory Report, January 2019 – December 2019, Jacquelin T. Capell, Frances D. Simmonds, and Lewis J. Green


Active Lives South Australia Health Economic Analysis - an evidence base for potential of health promotion strategies to reduced public health costs with meeting of adult physical activity guidelines. A report prepared for SA Office of Recreation, Sport and Racing and SA Health., Simon Eckermann, Michelle Crisp, and Andy Willan


Singapore Environmental Assessment Tool (SEAT): User Guide, Richard Fleming and Shuzhen Joanna Sun

A Review of China's and Japan's International Engagement in South America: The Cases of Brazil, Chile and Venezuela, Gabriel Garcia


The NSW Emergency Drought Relief: Mental Health Supports Package Final Evaluation Report, R. Gordon, D. Fildes, Sonia Bird, and Rodney Clarke


Understanding social attitudes related to the success of area-wide weed management: preliminary findings from cropping regions across Australia, Sonia Graham, Gina Hawkes, and Louise Blessington


Understanding social attitudes related to the success of area-wide weed management: preliminary fidings from the Riverina, Sonia Graham, Gina Hawkes, and Scott J. McKinnon


Understanding social attitudes related to the success of area-wide weed management: preliminary report for the intensive survey, Sonia Graham, Gina Hawkes, and Scott J. McKinnon


Hygrothermal Performance of Metal Wall Cladding Systems: Phase 1 Final Report, Alan Green and Paul Cooper


AROC Outcome Benchmarks Report (Inpatient - Pathway 3) - Anywhere Hospital from Jan 2019 to Dec 2019, Lewis J. Green, Tara L. Alexander, and Frances D. Simmonds


Private eyes…, hips, etc: Health insurance benefits during the Covid crisis, Donald R. Harvey and Rod Campbell


Understanding social attitudes related to the success of area-wide weed management: preliminary findings from Sunraysia, Gina Hawkes, Sonia Graham, Scott J. McKinnon, and Louise Blessington


Understanding social attitudes related to the success of area-wide weed management: preliminary findings from the Darling Downs, Gina Hawkes, Sonia Graham, Scott J. McKinnon, and Kaitlyn Height


Sustainability of identification and response to domestic violence in antenatal care: The SUSTAIN Study, Kelsey Hegarty, Jo Spangaro, Jane Koziol-McLain, Jeannette Walsh, Amelia Lee, Minerva Kyei-Onanjiri, Robyn Matthews, Jodie Valpied, Jenny Chapman, Leesa Hooker, Elizabeth McLindon, Kitty Novy, and Kim Spurway


Great South Coast Economic Migration Project (GSCEMP) Evaluation: Community Report, Natascha Klocker, Olivia Dun, Paul Hodge, and Eliza Crosbie


Leadership for Learning Frameworks, Kylie Lipscombe, Sue Bennett, Paul Andrew Kidson, Paul Gardiner, and Ann McIntyre