
Submissions from 2016


Egemonia/egemonico nei “Quaderni del carcere” (e prima), Giuseppe Cospito


Introduction, Giuseppe Cospito and Fabio Frosini


Investigation of hydrogen assisted cracking in acicular ferrite using site-specific micro-fracture tests, Walter L. Costin, Oliver Lavigne, Andrei Kotousov, Reza Ghomashchi, and Valerie M. Linton


Photo and collision induced isomerization of a cyclic retinal derivative: an ion mobility study, Neville J. A Coughlan, Michael S. Scholz, Christopher Hansen, Adam J. Trevitt, Brian D. Adamson, and Evan J. Bieske

Loss of ceramide synthase 2 activity, necessary for myelin biosynthesis, precedes tau pathology in the cortical pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, Timothy A. Couttas, Nupur Kain, Alexandra Suchowerska, Lake Ee Quek, Nigel Turner, Thomas Fath, Brett Garner, and Anthony Don


Neighbourhood walkability, road density and socio-economic status in Sydney, Australia, Christine T. Cowie, Ding Ding, Margaret I. Rolfe, Darren J. Mayne, Bin Jalaludin, Adrian E. Bauman, and Geoffrey Morgan


Fabrication and characterisation of GaAs nanopillars using nanosphere lithography and metal assisted chemical etching, A Cowley, J A. Steele, D Byrne, R K. Vijayaraghavan, and P J. McNally


Evaluation of undergraduate nursing students' clinical confidence following a mental health recovery camp, Thomas Cowley, Susan Liersch, Lorna Moxham, Ellie K. Taylor, Renee M. Brighton, Christopher F. Patterson, and Elizabeth J. Halcomb


Small heat-shock proteins prevent a-synuclein aggregation via transient interactions and their efficacy is affected by the rate of aggregation, Dezerae Cox, Emily Selig, Michael D. W Griffin, John A. Carver, and Heath Ecroyd

Seated whole-body vibration analysis, technologies and modelling: a survey, James Coyte, David Stirling, Haiping Du, and Montserrat Ros


Vegetarian and omnivorous nutrition - comparing physical performance, Joel Craddock, Yasmine Probst, and Gregory E. Peoples

Does use of computer technology for perinatal data collection influence data quality?, Alison Craswell, Lorna Moxham, and Marc Broadbent

Midwives and the Computerization of Perinatal Data Entry: The Theory of Beneficial Engagement, Alison Craswell, Lorna Moxham, and Marc Broadbent


Candida costochondritis associated with recent intravenous drug use, Simeon J. Crawford, Christopher Swan, Craig S. Boutlis, and Alistair B. Reid


Where are the mental health nurses?, Anita Cregan, Dana J. Perlman, and Lorna Moxham

Student's intention to work in mental health: analysing their motivations, Anita Cregan, Dana J. Perlman, Lorna Moxham, Christopher F. Patterson, Ellie K. Taylor, Susan Sumskis, Tim Heffernan, and Renee M. Brighton


Hot enough for you? a spatial exploratory and inferential analysis of North American climate-change projections, Noel A. Cressie and Emily L. Kang


Statistical bias and variance for the regularized inverse problem: application to space-based atmospheric CO2 retrievals, Noel A. Cressie, R Wang, Michael M. Smyth, and Charles E. Miller


Multivariate spatial covariance models: a conditional approach, Noel A. Cressie and Andrew Zammit-Mangion

Families living with autism spectrum disorder: roles and responsibilities of adolescent sisters, Elizabeth Cridland, Sandra C. Jones, Gerard J. Stoyles, Peter Caputi, and Christopher A. Magee


A personal constructivist approach for investigating the patterns of dependency of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: case study of two families, Elizabeth Kate Cridland, Peter Caputi, Beverly M. Walker, Sandra C. Jones, and Christopher A. Magee


Reflections and recommendations for conducting in-depth interviews with people With dementia, Elizabeth Cridland, Lyn Phillipson, Christopher R. Brennan-Horley, and Kate Swaffer

Recent seasonal and long-term changes in southern Australian frost occurrence, Steven Crimp, David Gobbett, Phillip N. Kokic, Uday Nidumolu, Mark Howden, and Neville Nicholls

Malaisie: Les défi s du mouvement syndical face aux travailleurs migrants, Vicki D. Crinis

Employment relations and the state in Malaysia, Vicki D. Crinis and Balakrishnan Parasuraman


The lessons to be learned now the ABC's pulled its 'inaccurate' Wi-Fried program, Rodney J. Croft

Articulating performance expectations for scholarship at an Australian regional university, Patrick A. Crookes, Kylie M. Smith, Fabienne Else, and Ellie Crookes


Energetic costs of mange in wolves estimated from infrared thermography, Paul Cross, Emily Almberg, C G. Haase, Peter J. Hudson, Shane K. Maloney, M C. Metz, Adam J. Munn, P Nugent, O Putzeys, D R. Stahler, A C. Stewart, and D W. Smith


Coastal subsistence, maritime trade, and the colonization of small offshore islands in eastern African prehistory, Alison Crowther, Patrick Faulkner, Mary Prendergast, Erendira Quintana Morales, Mark Horton, Edwin Wilmsen, Anna M. Kotarba-Morley, Annalisa Christie, Nik Petek, Ruth Tibesasa, Katerina Douka, Llorenc Picornell-Gelabert, Xavier Carah, and Nicole Boivin


What's gender solidarity got to do with it? Woman shaming and Hillary Clinton, Sharon Crozier-De Rosa

A tale of two cities: What the dickens happened to languages in NSW?, Kenneth E. Cruickshank and Jan Wright


The thin line: a phenomenological study of mental toughness and decision-making in elite high-altitude mountaineers, Lee Crust, Christian F. Swann, and Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson


Relations between robustness and RKA security under public-key encryption, Hui Cui, Yi Mu, and Man Ho Au

Tribochemical behavior of phosphate compounds at an elevated temperature, Shaogang Cui, Shanhong Wan, Qiang Zhu, Anh Kiet Tieu, Hongtao Zhu, Liping Wang, and Bruce Cowie


Implementation of a driver licensing support program in three Aboriginal communities: A brief report from a pilot program, Patricia Cullen, Kathleen F. Clapham, Jake Byrne, Kate Hunter, Kris Rogers, Teresa Senserrick, Lisa Keay, and Rebecca Q. Ivers

The importance of context in logic model construction for a multi-site community-based Aboriginal driver licensing program, Patricia Cullen, Kathleen F. Clapham, Jake Byrne, Kate Hunter, Teresa Senserrick, Lisa Keay, and Rebecca Q. Ivers


Challenges to driver licensing participation for Aboriginal people in Australia: a systematic review of the literature, Patricia Cullen, Kathleen F. Clapham, Kate Hunter, Rebekah Treacy, and Rebecca Q. Ivers

Driving change: implementation of a multi-site community licensing program for Aboriginal people, Patricia Cullen, Kathleen F. Clapham, Kris Rogers, Jake Byrne, Kate Hunter, Serigne Lo, and Rebecca Q. Ivers


Clusterin facilitates apoptotic cell clearance and prevents apoptotic cell-induced autoimmune responses, P Cunin, C Beauvillain, C Miot, J-F Augusto, L Preisser, S Blanchard, P Pignon, M Scotet, E Garo, I Fremaux, A Chevailler, J Subra, P Blanco, Mark R. Wilson, Pascale Jeannin, and Y Delneste


Efficacy of the herpes zoster subunit vaccine in adults 70 years of age or older, A L Cunningham, Himal Lal, Martina Kovac, Roman Chlibek, Shinn-Jang Hwang, Javier Diez-Domingo, Olivier Godeaux, Myron J. Levin, Janet E. Mcelhaney, Joan Puig-Barbera, and Wilfred W. Yeo


Key structural determinants in the agonist binding loops of human β2 and β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits contribute to α3β4 subtype selectivity of α-conotoxins, Hartmut Cuny, Shiva N. Kompella, Han Shen Tae, Rilei Yu, and David J. Adams

A phase III, multi-site, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled parallel arm study of daily extended release (ER) morphine for chronic breathlessness., David C. Currow, Magnus Ekstrom, Belinda Fazekas, John Plummer, Stephen Quinn, Christine McDonald, Meera Agar, Katherine J. Clark, Simon Eckermann, and Amy Abernethy

Effects of topical medications on radial artery spasm in patients undergoing transradial coronary procedures: a systematic review protocol, Elizabeth Curtis, Ritin S. Fernandez, and Astin Lee


Ecosystem regimes and responses in a coupled ancient lake system from MIS 5b to present: the diatom record of lakes Ohrid and Prespa, Aleksandra Cvetkoska, Elena Jovanovska, Alexander Francke, Slavica Tofilovska, Hendrik Vogel, Zlatko Levkov, Timme H. Donders, Bernd Wagner, and Friederike Wagner-Cremer


Linking adaptation science to action to build food secure Pacific Island communities, C Cvitanovic, Steven Crimp, Alexander Fleming, Johann D. Bell, M Howden, Alistair Hobday, ME Stuart Taylor, and R B. Cunningham

Effect of π-conjugation on electrochemical properties of poly(terthiophene)s 3′-substituted with fullerene C60, M Czichy, Pawel W. Wagner, Mieczyslaw Lapkowski, and David L. Officer


Poems, Cyril Dabydeen


Blacks and the Polite World of Eighteenth-Century English Art, David Dabydeen

Numerical solution of link finite element based on composite stiffness and bi-parameter method for computation of laterally loaded single pile, Zi-Hang Dai, Yunfeng Wang, and Cai-Jin Lu

The relevance of attention in schizophrenia P50 paired stimulus studies, Anna Dalecki, Amity Green, Stuart J. Johnstone, and Rodney J. Croft

The Impact of Literature, Leigh Dale and Louise D'Arcens


The discovery of allyltyrosine based tripeptides as selective inhibitors of the HIV-1 integrase strand-transfer reaction, Neal Dalton, Christopher P. Gordon, Timothy Boyle, Nicholas Vandegraaff, John Deadman, David I. Rhodes, Jonathon A. Coates, Stephen G. Pyne, Paul A. Keller, and John B. Bremner


With energy, ideas and cheek to spare, Richard Neville was the boy of OZ, Rebecca Daly and Michael K. Organ


Zooplankton diversity of a protected and vulnerable wetland system in southern South America (Llancanelo area, Argentina), D. Sabina D'Ambrosio, Maria Cristina Claps, and Adriana García

Consistent merging of model versions, Hoa Khanh Dam, Alexander Egyed, Michael Winikoff, Alexander Reder, and Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon


An evaluation of IASI-NH3 with ground-based Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements, Enrico Dammers, Mathias Palm, Martin Van Damme, C Vigouroux, D Smale, Stephanie Conway, Geoffrey Toon, Nicholas B. Jones, Eric Nussbaumer, Thorsten Warneke, Christof Petri, Lieven Clarisse, Cathy Clerbaux, Christian Hermans, Erik Lutsch, Kimberly Strong, James W. Hannigan, Hideaki Nakajima, Isamu Morino, Beatriz Herrera, Wolfgang Stremme, Michel Grutter, Martijn Schaap, Roy J. Wichink Kruit, Justus Notholt, P F. Coheur, and Jan Willem Erisman

Weak and Transient Protein Interactions Determined by Solid-State NMR, Hugh R W Dannatt, Michelle Felletti, S Jehle, Yao Wang, Lyndon Emsley, Nicholas E. Dixon, A Lesage, and Guido Pintacuda


Effectiveness of interventions for the development of leadership skills among nurses: a systematic review protocol, Michael Darragh, Victoria Traynor, and Joanne T. Joyce-McCoach


Analysis of variability of tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures, Georgina Davies and Noel A. Cressie


Major self-mutilation leading to complete amputation of the hand during an acute psychotic episode, Samuel Davies and Mathew P. Doyle

Environment: Curb anchor scour for green shipping, Andrew R. Davis and Allison Broad


Tightening the net: in search of alternatives to destructive fishing and meshing programs, Andrew R. Davis and Allison Broad

Anchors away? The impacts of anchor scour by ocean-going vessels and potential response options, Andrew R. Davis, Allison Broad, W Gullett, James Reveley, Chantel Steele, and Clive H. Schofield

Prediction of individual differences in adjustment to loss: acceptance and valued-living as critical appraisal and coping strengths, Esther Davis, Frank P. Deane, and Geoffrey C. Lyons

A qualitative analysis of medical students' concerns and perceptions of their safety on mental health clinical placements, Kerry Dawes, Nagesh B. Pai, Beverley A. Rayers, Susan J. Thomas, and Shae-Leigh C. Vella

Performance Enhancement of Discrete Multiwavelet Critical-Sampling Transform-Based OFDM System Using Hybrid Technique Under Different Channel Models, Sameer A. Dawood, Mohd Fareq Abdul Malek, M S. Anuar, and Suha Q. Hadi


Alprazolam use and related harm among opioid substitution treatment clients - 12 months follow up after regulatory rescheduling, Rachel M. Deacon, Suzanne Nielsen, Stefanie Leung, Gonzalo Rivas, Tim Cubitt, Lauren A. Monds, Nadine Ezard, Briony K. Larance, and Nicholas Lintzeris

Magnetocaloric effect in the metamagnet ErRhSi compound, J C. Debnath, Harikrishnan S. Nair, Andre M. Strydom, K Ramesh Kumar, and Jian Li Wang


Magnetocaloric effect in HoMn2Si2 compound with multiple magnetic phase transitions, J C. Debnath and Jian Li Wang

Extracting finite state models from i* models, Novarun Deb, Nabendu Chaki, and Aditya K. Ghose


Functorial properties of Putnam's homology theory for Smale spaces, Robin J. Deeley, D. Brady Killough, and Michael F. Whittaker

Residual variance-covariance modelling in analysis of multivariate data from variety selection trials, Joanne De Faveri, Arunas P. Verbyla, Brian R. Cullis, Wayne S. Pitchford, and Robin Thompson


All care, but whose responsibility? Community juries reason about expert and patient responsibilities in prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer, Chris Degeling, Stacy M. Carter, and Lucie Rychetnik

Culling and the Common Good: Re-evaluating Harms and Benefits under the One Health Paradigm, Christopher J. Degeling, Zohar Lederman, and Melanie Rock


Habitus and responsible dog-ownership: reconsidering the health promotion implications of 'dog-shaped' holes in people's lives, Christopher J. Degeling, Melanie Rock, Wendy Rogers, and Therese Riley


Identification of rare variants in KCTD13 at the schizophrenia risk locus 16p11.2, Franziska Degenhardt, Barbara Heinemann, Jana Strohmaier, Marvin A. Pfohl, Ina Giegling, Andrea Hofman, Kerstin U. Ludwig, Stephanie H. Witt, Michael Ludwig, Andreas J. Forstner, Margot Albus, Sibylle G. Schwab, Margitta Borrmann-Hassenbach, Leonhard Lennertz, Michael Wagner, Per Hoffmann, Dan Rujescu, Wolfgang Maier, Sven Cichon, Marcella Rietschel, and Marcus M. Nothen

A cultural conundrum: Delayed false-belief understanding in Filipino children, Ma Regina Laya De Gracia, Candida C. Peterson, and Marc de Rosnay


Communication: Chemisorption of muonium on gold nanoparticles: A sensitive new probe of surface magnetism and reactivity, M H. Dehn, D J. Arseneau, P Boni, M D. Bridges, T Buck, David L. Cortie, D G. Fleming, J A. Kelly, W A. MacFarlane, M J. MacLachlan, R M. L McFadden, G D. Morris, P-X Wang, J Xiao, V M. Zamarion, and R F. Kiefl


Book Review: Fostering Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Students, Janine Delahunty


Cooperatives: governance and accountability systems for a better world?, Vassili Joannides De Lautour and Corinne L. Cortese

Under the radar: sessile epifaunal invertebrates in the seagrass Posidonia australis, Marie-Claire Demers, Nathan A. Knott, and Andrew R. Davis

Morphodynamics at the Coastal Zone in the Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, Junjie Deng, Jan Harff, Yanfang Li, Yan Zhao, and Hua Zhang

A drying-free, water-based process for fabricating mixed-matrix membranes with outstanding pervaporation performance, Yu-Heng Deng, Jung-Tsai Chen, Chia-Hao Chang, Kuo-Sung Liao, Kuo-Lun Tung, William E. Price, Yusuke Yamauchi, and Kevin C.-W Wu


Responses of tree species to a severe fire indicate major structural change to Eucalyptus-Callitris forests, Andrew J. Denham, Ben E. Vincent, Peter J. Clarke, and Tony D. Auld

Picturing meaning: an ERP study on the integration of left or right-handed first-person perspective pictures into a sentence context, J A. De Nooijer, Liselotte Gootjes, Tamara Van Gog, Fred Paas, and R Zwaan

Independent and combined effects of sex and biological maturation on motor coordination and performance in prepubertal children, Leonardo Gomes De Oliveira Luz, Sean P. Cumming, Joao P. Duarte, Joao Valente-Dos-Santos, Maria J. Almeida, Aristides Machado-Rodrigues, Cristina Padez, Bruno Cleiton M. Carmo, Rute Santos, Andre Filipe Teixeira E Seabra, and Manuel J. Coelho-E-Silva


Thermal and cardiovascular strain imposed by motorcycle protective clothing under Australian summer conditions, Liz de Rome, Elizabeth A. Taylor, Rodney J. Croft, J Brown, Michael P. Fitzharris, and Nigel A.S. Taylor


Interview, Anita Desai


Early antipsychotic treatment in childhood/adolescent period has long-term effects on depressive-like, anxiety-like and locomotor behaviours in adult rats, Michael De Santis, Jiamei Lian, Xu-Feng Huang, and Chao Deng


Early antipsychotic treatment in juvenile rats elicits long-term alterations to the dopamine neurotransmitter system, Michael De Santis, Jiamei Lian, Xu-Feng Huang, and Chao Deng


The impact of teacher–student relationships on the development of talent: Connections with Gagné’s DMGT 2.0, Wade Dever

What is the current state of care for older people with dementia in general hospitals? A literature review, Jan Dewing and Saskia Dijk

The ant and the grasshopper: understanding personal saving orientation of consumers, U Dholakia, Wing Yin Leona Tam, Sunyee Yoon, and Nancy Wong

Major fallacies surrounding stone artifacts and assemblages, Harold L. Dibble, Simon J. Holdaway, Sam C. Lin, David R. Braun, Matthew J. Douglass, Radu Iovita, Shannon P. McPherron, Deborah Olszewski, and Dennis M. Sandgathe

Anti-shouting law: a war-time sumptuary impulse tied up with slouch hats and khaki, Caroline Dick

Testing the fabric: prescribing female dress in Australian early living-wage cases, Caroline Dick

Social inclusion and the Fatosphere: the role of an online weblogging community in fostering social inclusion, Marissa Dickins, Colette J. Browning, Susan Feldman, and Samantha L. Thomas

Automatic multi-direction slicing algorithms for wire based additive manufacturing, Donghong Ding, Zengxi Pan, Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, Nathan P. Larkin, and Stephen van Duin

Bead modelling and implementation of adaptive MAT path in wire and arc additive manufacturing, Donghong Ding, Zengxi Pan, Dominic Cuiuri, Huijun Li, Stephen van Duin, and Nathan P. Larkin

Adaptive path planning for wire-feed additive manufacturing using medial axis transformation, Donghong Ding, Zengxi Stephen Pan, Dominic Cuiuri, Hui Jun Li, and Nathan P. Larkin