Regional Victoria in 2021: changes and implications for the emergency management sector



Publication Details

Foster, H., Whittaker, J., Handmer, J., Lowe, T. & Keating, A. (2013). Regional Victoria in 2021: changes and implications for the emergency management sector. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 28 (2), 51-55.


The Victorian Fire Services Commissioner (FSC) has embarked on a program of research exploring anticipated changes across Victoria over the coming decade. Titled '2021', this research aims to build the evidence of change in Victorian communities, identify the drivers of change, and describe the likely impacts on the emergency management sector. This paper outlines some of the key economic and population changes that are taking place in regional Victoria and considers their implications for the emergency management sector (State-level policy and strategy) and emergency services organisations (service delivery, programs and local needs).

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