
Papers from 2017


Demetallatation of electrochemically polymerised Mn porphyrin anion / PEDOT composites under light-illumination, Danijel Boskovic, Sivakumar Balakrishnan, Pawel W. Wagner, and Gerhard F. Swiegers

Inhaler technique mastery and maintenance in healthcare professionals trained on different devices, Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich, Christina Callan, Henry Chrystyn, Federico Lavorini, Vasilis Nikolaou, Vicky Kritikos, P. N. Richard Dekhuijzen, Nicolas Roche, Leif Bjermer, Cynthia Rand, Nicholas Arnold Zwar, and David B. Price


Settler Sanctuaries and the Stoat-Free State, Anna Boswell

Therapists' metacognitive monitoring of the psychotherapeutic process with patients with borderline personality disorder, Marianne E. Bourke and Brin F. S Grenyer


The K-theoretic bulk-edge correspondence for topological insulators, Chris Bourne, Johannes Kellendonk, and Adam C. Rennie


Evaluation of a direct motion estimation/correction method in respiratory-gated PET/MRI with motion-adjusted attenuation, Alexandre B. Bousse, Richard Manber, Beverley F. Holman, David Atkinson, Simon R. Arridge, Sebastien Ourselin, Brian F. Hutton, and Kris Thielemans

New insights into the morphogenesis of the gubernaculum testis and the inguinal canal, Jose Bouzada, Teresa Vazquez, Manuel Duran, Vincent Delmas, Theresa A. Larkin, Miguel A. Cuesta, and Jose Sanudo

Renewal ecology: conservation for the Anthropocene, David M. J. S Bowman, Stephen Garnett, Snow Barlow, Sarah Bekessy, Sean Bellairs, Melanie Bishop, Ross A. Bradstock, Darryl N. Jones, Sean Maxwell, Jamie Pittock, Maria Toral-Granda, James Watson, Tom Wilson, Kerstin Zander, and Lesley Hughes

An 1831 discussion on New Public Management, Graham D. Bowrey, Freda C. Hui, and Ciorstan Smark


Financial cost of lymphedema borne by women with breast cancer, John Boyages, Ying Xu, Senia Kalfa, Louise Koelmeyer, Bonny Parkinson, Helen Mackie, Hector Viveros, Paul J. Gollan, and Lucy Taksa


Animal Studies Journal 2017 6 (1): Cover Page, Table of Contents, Editorial and Notes on Contributors, Melissa Boyde


Animal Studies Journal 2017 6 (2): Cover Page, Table of Contents, Editorial and Notes on Contributors, Melissa Boyde

"Peace and quiet and open air": The old cow project, Melissa J. Boyde


Painting with Horses Towards Interspecies Response-ability: Non-human Charisma as Material Affect, Madeleine Boyd


Chronic psychological stress was not ameliorated by omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Joanne Bradbury, S Myers, Barbara J. Meyer, Lyndon Brooks, Jonathan M. Peake, Andrew J. Sinclair, and Con Stough

Urban resilience in extreme events: Analyzing online news and Twitter use during the 2016 Jakarta terror attack, Uuf Brajawidagda, Christopher Reddick, and Akemi T. Chatfield


The Power of the Victim. A Study of Quartet, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie and Voyage in the Dark by Jean Rhys, Wendy Brandmark


Short Stories, Kamau Brathwaite

Including minority populations in research: we must do better, Annette J. Braunack-Mayer and Odette R. Gibson

A Sudden Fancy for Tree-Planting? Forest Conservation and the Demise of New Zealand's Provinces, Andre Brett


Australia and the Secretive Exploitation of the Chatham Islands to 1842, Andre Brett


Healing at Home: Developing a Model for Ambulatory Alcohol "Detox" in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service, Jonathan Brett, Angela Dawson, Rowena G. Ivers, Leanne Lawrence, Sarah Barclay, and Kate M. Conigrave

Impressions of using the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory as an outcome measure: Lessons learnt for future clinical researchers (innovative practice), Lindsey Brett, Victoria Traynor, Shahla Meedya, and Paul J. Stapley

Acceptability of the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory in an Australian residential aged care facility, Lindsey Brett, Victoria Traynor, Paul J. Stapley, and Shahla Meedya

Effects and feasibility of an exercise intervention for individuals living with dementia in nursing homes: study protocol, Lindsey Brett, Victoria Traynor, Paul J. Stapley, and Shahla Meedya


Highly efficient gas-phase reactivity of protonated pyridine radicals with propene, Cameron Bright, Matthew Prendergast, Patrick Kelly, James Bezzina, Stephen J. Blanksby, Gabriel da Silva, and Adam J. Trevitt

Introduction of undergraduate nursing students to an objective structured clinical examination, Renee M. Brighton, Maria T. Mackay, Roy A. Brown, Carley Jans, and Carolyn J. Antoniou


EOF-based regression algorithm for the fast retrieval of atmospheric CO2 total column amount from the GOSAT observations, Andrey Bril, Shamil Maksyutov, Dmitry Belikov, Sergey Oshchepkov, Yukio Yoshida, Nicholas M. Deutscher, David W. T Griffith, Frank Hase, Rigel Kivi, Isamu Morino, and Voltaire A. Velazco


Flux penetration in a superconducting film partially capped with a conducting layer, J Brisbois, V Gladilin, J Tempere, J Devreese, Victor V. Moshchalkov, F Colauto, Maycon Motta, Tom H. Johansen, Joachim Fritzsche, O Adami, N D. Nguyen, Wilson Aires Ortiz, R. B. G Kramer, and A Silhanek


Exact solutions of the Richards equation with nonlinear plant-root extraction, Philip Broadbridge, Edoardo Daly, and Joanna M. Goard


Understanding carers' lived experience of stigma: the voice of families with a child on the autism spectrum, Timothy Broady, Gerard J. Stoyles, and Corinne Morse

Imagery Rescripting for PTSD and Personality Disorders: Theory and Application, Robert N. Brockman and Fiona L. Calvert


Sleeping's Beauty and the Prince Charming, Erna Brodber


Mansong and matrix: A radical experiment, Bev E. L Brown

Resource availability and sexual size dimorphism: differential effects of prey abundance on the growth rates of tropical snakes, Gregory Brown, Thomas R. Madsen, and Rick Shine

The Toeplitz noncommutative solenoid and its Kubo-Martin-Schwinger states, Nathan D. Brownlowe, Mitchell Hawkins, and Aidan Sims

On C*-algebras associated to right LCM semigroups, Nathan D. Brownlowe, Nadia S. Larsen, and Nicolai Stammeier

C*-algebras associated to graphs of groups, Nathan D. Brownlowe, Alexander Mundey, David Pask, Jack Spielberg, and Anne Thomas

Zappa-Szép product groupoids and C∗-blends, Nathan D. Brownlowe, David Pask, Jacqui Ramagge, David I. Robertson, and Michael F. Whittaker

Parents views of the role of sports coaches as mental health gatekeepers for adolescent males, Morgan Brown, Frank P. Deane, Stewart A. Vella, and Sarah Liddle

How do expert clinicians assess student nurses competency during workplace experience? A modified nominal group approach to devising a guidance package, Roy A. Brown and Patrick A. Crookes


Nanostructures, concentrations and energies: an ideal equation to extend therapeutic efficiency on radioresistant 9L tumour cells using Ta2O5 ceramic nanostructured particles, Ryan Brown, Stephanie Corde, Sianne Oktaria, Konstantin K. Konstantinov, Anatoly B. Rosenfeld, Michael L. F Lerch, and Moeava Tehei


Proceedings of 3rd Australian Lipid Meeting, Simon H. J Brown and Thusitha W. T Rupasinghe

Early human symbolic behavior in the Late Pleistocene of Wallacea, Adam R. Brumm, Michelle Langley, Mark W. Moore, Budianto Hakim, Muhammad Ramli, Iwan Sumantri, Basran Burhan, Andi Saiful, Linda Siagian, Suryatman, Ratno Sardi, Jusdi Andi, Abdullah, Andi Pampang Mubarak, Hasliana, Hasrianti, Adhi Agus Oktaviana, Shinatria Adhityatama, Gerrit D. van den Bergh, Maxime Aubert, J -X Zhao, Jillian Huntley, Bo Li, Richard G. Roberts, E Wahyu Saptomo, Yinika Perston, and Rainer Grün


Sidedness is prognostic in locoregional colon cancer: an analysis of 9509 Australian patients, Daniel Brungs, Morteza Aghmesheh, Paul de Souza, Weng Ng, Wei Chua, Martin G. Carolan, Phillip R. Clingan, Emma Healey, June Rose, Tameika Tubaro, and Marie Ranson


The urokinase plasminogen activation system in gastroesophageal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Daniel Brungs, Julia Chen, Morteza Aghmesheh, Kara L. Vine, Therese M. Becker, Martin G. Carolan, and Marie Ranson


Mixed-Component Sulfone-Sulfoxide Tagged Zinc IRMOFs: In Situ Ligand Oxidation, Carbon Dioxide, and Water Sorption Studies, Macguire Bryant, Andrew D. Burrows, Cameron Kepert, Peter Southon, Omid Qazvini, Shane Telfer, and Christopher Richardson


Commonwealth or Common Poverty?: the New Literatures in English and the New Discourse of Marginality, Diana Brydon


Hostiles in the Global Village, Diana Brydon


The year that was, Diana Brydon, Simon Garrett, Alamgir Hashmi, Kirpal Singh, Michael Chapman, and Victor J. Ramraj


Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: Evidence from Saudi Arabia, Amina Buallay, Allam Hamdan, and Qasim Zureigat

Assemblage Theory, or, the Future of an Illusion, Ian M. Buchanan


Becoming mountain, Ian M. Buchanan

Our Machines, Our Selves, Ian M. Buchanan


The Disappearance of Boredom, Ian M. Buchanan

An Analysis of Media Representation of the Australian Electronic Gaming Machine Industry, June Buchanan, Michael L. Jones, and Ken Tann


Exposure to digital marketing enhances young adults' interest in energy drinks: An exploratory investigation, Li Min Buchanan, Bridget Kelly, and Heather Yeatman


Validation of MOPITT carbon monoxide using ground-based Fourier transform infrared spectrometer data from NDACC, Rebecca R. Buchholz, M Deeter, H M. Worden, J C. Gille, D P. Edwards, James W. Hannigan, Nicholas B. Jones, Clare Paton-Walsh, David W. T Griffith, D Smale, John Robinson, Kimberly Strong, Stephanie Conway, Ralf Sussmann, Frank Hase, Thomas Blumenstock, Emmanuel Mahieu, and Bavo Langerock

Global satellite observations of column-averaged carbon dioxide and methane: The GHG-CCI XCO2 and XCH4 CRDP3 data set, Michael Buchwitz, Markus Reuter, O Schneising, Will Hewson, Rob Detmers, Hartmut Boesch, Otto Hasekamp, Ilse Aben, H Bovensmann, J P. Burrows, Andre Butz, Frédéric Chevallier, Bart Dils, Christian Frankenberg, Jens Heymann, G Lichtenberg, Martine de Maziere, Justus Notholt, Robert J. Parker, Thorsten Warneke, C Zehner, David W. T Griffith, Nicholas M. Deutscher, A Kuze, H Suto, and Debra Wunch

Personal and relational empowerment: a framework for family recovery, Kellie Buckley-Walker, Trevor P. Crowe, and Peter Caputi


Evaluating the validity of the online multiliteracy assessment tool, Kellie Buckley-Walker, Jim S. Tognolini, Lori Lockyer, Ian M. Brown, and Peter Caputi


Colonial Strategies in the Writing of David Malouf, Patrick Buckridge

Structural metastability of "cold" repair welds in 2.25Cr-1Mo (P22) steel under elevated temperature and stress conditions, Elizabeth Budzakoska-Testone, Druce Patrick Dunne, Hui Jun Li, Michael Drew, and Tim Nicholls


Electrochemical Oxidation of W(CO)4(LL): Generation, Characterization, and Reactivity of [W(CO)4(LL)]+ (LL≤α-diimine ligands), John P. Bullock, Chong Yong Lee, Brian Hagan, Humair Madhani, and John Ulrich

A generalized attack on RSA type cryptosystems, Martin W. Bunder, Abderrahmane Nitaji, Willy Susilo, and Joseph Tonien

A new attack on the RSA cryptosystem based on continued fractions, Martin W. Bunder and Joseph Tonien


Closed form expressions for two harmonic continued fractions, Martin W. Bunder and Joseph Tonien


Sydney Playground Project: A Cluster‐Randomized Trial to Increase Physical Activity, Play, and Social Skills, Anita C. Bundy, Lina Engelen, Shirley Wyver, Paul Tranter, Jo Ragen, Adrian E. Bauman, Louise A. Baur, Wendy Schiller, Judy Simpson, Anita Niehues, Gabrielle Perry, Glenda Jessup, and Geraldine A. Naughton


Negotiating the Local and the Global: SomeUneasyConjecturesonPostcolonial Studies and Pedagogy, Monica Bungaro

Effect of Glycemic Index of a Pre-exercise Meal on Endurance Exercise Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Catriona A. Burdon, Inge Spronk, Hoi Lun Cheng, and Helen T. O'Connor

Indirect hand and forearm vasomotion: regional variations in cutaneous thermosensitivity during normothermia and mild hyperthermia, Catriona A. Burdon, Kyoko Tagami, Joonhee Park, Joanne N. Caldwell, and Nigel A.S. Taylor

A systematic review of clinician-rated instruments to assess adults' levels of functioning in specialised public sector mental health services, Philip Burgess, Meredith Harris, Tim Coombs, and Jane Pirkis

Experiential Learning in the Social and Mobile-first Student Newsroom, Shawn G. Burns

The experience of waiting for a kidney transplant: A qualitative study, Tania Burns, Ritin S. Fernandez, and Moira Stephens


"I feel like having a nervous breakdown": Pre-service and in-service teachers' developing beliefs and knowledge about pronunciation instruction, Michael Burri, Amanda Ann Baker, and Honglin Chen


Empowering Nonnative-English-Speaking Teachers in Primary School Contexts: An Ethnographic Case Study, Michael S. Burri


Making Sense of Theory: A Doctoral Student's Narrative of Conceptualizing a Theoretical Framework, Michael S. Burri


Joint development of teacher cognition and identity through learning to teach L2 pronunciation, Michael S. Burri, Honglin Chen, and Amanda Ann Baker


The impact of N, N′-ditopic ligand length and geometry on the structures of zinc-based mixed-linker metal-organic frameworks, Andrew D. Burrows, Siobhan Chan, William Gee, Mary F. Mahon, Christopher Richardson, Viorica Sebestyen, Domenyk Turski, and Mark Warren


The arctic seasonal cycle of total column CO2 and CH4 from ground-based solar and lunar FTIR absorption spectrometry, Matthias Buschmann, Nicholas M. Deutscher, Mathias Palm, Thorsten Warneke, Christine Weinzierl, and Justus Notholt


Poems, Abena Busia

Addressing poverty and child welfare: The integrated Community Development and Child Welfare Model of practice, Alice K. Butterfield, James L. Scherrer, and Katarzyna J. Olcon

Testing the effect of dietary carotenoids on larval survival, growth and development in the critically endangered southern corroboree frog, Phillip G. Byrne and Aimee J. Silla


A review of feature extraction methods in vibration-based condition monitoring and its application for degradation trend estimation of low-speed slew bearing, Wahyu Caesarendra and Tegoeh Tjahjowidodo


Integrated Condition Monitoring and Prognosis Method for Incipient Defect Detection and Remaining Life Prediction of Low Speed Slew Bearings, Wahyu Caesarendra, Tegoeh Tjahjowidodo, Buyung Kosasih, and Anh Kiet Tieu


North on Cusack, Rowan Cahill

Vintage Red, Rowan Cahill


Using FlexSim to Simulate the Logistics Relationship between Materials Supplying and Roadway Development, Liyong Cai


Linearization of EBT3 film dose response and virtual film dosimetry for SBRT quality assurance, Meng Cai, Ben Archibald-Heeren, Yang Wang, and Peter E. Metcalfe


Doping-Induced Isotopic Mg11B2 Bulk Superconductor for Fusion Application, Qi Cai, Qianying Guo, Yongchang Liu, Zongqing Ma, Huijun Li, Wenbin Qiu, Dipakkumar Patel, Hyunseock Jie, Jung Ho Kim, Mehmet Somer, Ekrem Yanmaz, Arnaud Devred, Vladimir Luzin, Amanullah Fatehmulla, Wazirzada Farooq, Daniel Gajda, Yoshio Bando, Yusuke Yamauchi, Subrata Pradhan, and Md Shahriar Hossain

Relative Validity and Reproducibility of an Interviewer Administered 14-Item FFQ to Estimate Flavonoid Intake Among Older Adults with Mild-Moderate Dementia, Katherine Caldwell and Karen E. Charlton


Consumption of anthocyanin-rich cherry juice for 12 weeks improves memory and cognition in older adults with mild-to-moderate dementia, Katherine Caldwell, Karen E. Charlton, Steven J. Roodenrys, Marijka Batterham, Jan M. Potter, Victoria Traynor, Hayley Gilbert, Olivia Morgan, and Rachelle Richards

Fe/FeO/Fe/FeV Multilayers Characterized by Magnetometry and Polarized Neutron Reflectometry, Sara J. Callori, Kai-Han Chao, Grace Causer, Bela Nagy, Laszlo Kiss, Attila Sulyok, Laszlo Bottyan, Ko-Wei Lin, and Frank Klose

An investigation of supervisory practices to develop relational and reflective competence in psychologists, Fiona L. Calvert, Trevor P. Crowe, and Brin F. S Grenyer


Comparison of phantom materials for use in quality assurance of microbeam radiation therapy, Matthew Cameron, Iwan Cornelius, Dean L. Cutajar, Jeremy A. Davis, Anatoly B. Rosenfeld, Michael L. F Lerch, and Susanna Guatelli

Effects of aging and depression on mnemonic discrimination ability, David A. Camfield, R Fontana, Keith A. Wesnes, Jessica Mills, and Rodney J. Croft


Poems, Heather Cam


On the Authenticity of De-extinct Organisms, and the Genesis Argument, Douglas Campbell


Aphra Behn's surinam interlude, Elaine Campbell


Poems, Katie Campbell