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Aims & Scope


JGI aims to provide an online space where symposia consisting of academics, activists, and artists who focus on issues and topics pertaining to Indigenous people around the globe can be accessed. It is our aim to provide a wider audience for these meetings that often occur in academic settings in the presence of relatively small, invited audiences. Often, symposia are the settings where new research is presented for the first time, and/or where both academic and activists meet to collaborate and share information. Thus, JGI will be a vehicle to more widely disseminate new knowledge to an international community of Indigenous Studies academics and students, Indigenous community members, and those who are interested in issues, accomplishments and concerns of Indigenous peoples around the world.

This journal is the outgrowth of two initiatives. Firstly, the Working Group on Emergent Indigenous Identities, which is, made up of an interdisciplinary group of international scholars whose research examines Indigenous identity formation within Indigenous communities around the world. This highly successful group has, among other achievements, published an edited volume, The Politics of Identity: Emerging Indigeneity. The second initiative is The Forum for Indigenous Research Excellence (FIRE). FIRE focuses on facilitating and fostering research with and for Indigenous communities both nationally and internationally.

Our aims are as follows:

  1. Evaluate and showcase symposia and conference proceedings (in whole, or in part) focused on topics related, or of interest, to Indigenous Peoples, including those that shape, constrain, or provide opportunities for transformation.
  2. Privilege Indigeneity as a central perspective rather than a comparative component of a larger argument.
  3. Mindfully disrupt voyeuristic discourses and representations of Indigeneity by providing an interface where these kinds of issues can be exposed and explored in productive ways.
  4. Create an archive of symposia and conference proceedings and analysis that can be used as teaching and research tools.
  5. Serve as a synergy for academics, activists, help givers, and other interested partners who work together to showcase, serve, or represent the accomplishments and needs of Indigenous communities.
  6. Provide links to relevant organizations and initiatives associated with issues that are highlighted in each volume.


JGI is interested in perspectives about Indigenous peoples from around the globe and very much recognises local and regional complexities. JGI encourages a broad range of contributors from across all disciplines. Our focus is on contemporary Indigenous identities, lives, and politics, and the ways that Indigenous knowledge is sustained, transformed, and subverted.