Effect of Mo on dynamic recrystallization and microstructure development of microalloyed steels



Publication Details

Schambron, T., Dehghan-Manshadi, A., Chen, L., Gooch, T., Killmore, C. & Pereloma, E. (2017). Effect of Mo on dynamic recrystallization and microstructure development of microalloyed steels. Metals and Materials International, 23 (4), 778-787.


The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) behaviour, mechanical properties and microstructure development of four low carbon, Nb-Ti-containing micro-alloyed steels with Mo contents from 0 to 0.27 wt% were studied. Plane strain compression tests were performed in a Gleeble 3500 thermomechanical simulator. The effects of composition, deformation temperature and strain rate on the DRX parameters and resultant microstructures were examined. The volume fraction of recrystallised grains was estimated from micrographs and a DRX model. The stress-strain curves showed the typical signs of DRX over a wide range of deformation conditions. Dynamic recovery was only observed for higher strain rates (5 s−1) and/or lower deformation temperatures (below 1000 °C). It was shown that Mo increases the hot strength by around 100 MPa per weight percent. In addition, it has an effect on retarding recrystallization in microalloyed steels by increasing the activation energy for DRX by 320 kJ/molK per weight percent. This was attributed to solute drag and the interaction with other microalloying elements.

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