The concept of genre has emerged as a subject of interest in cross-disciplinary areas such as arts, literature, media, linguistics and applied linguistics (see Paltridge 1997 for a detailed review). In applied linguistics, the term genre has been considered as a powerful means for classifying and describing discourse. A journal article, a job application letter, a novel or a newspaper article is each regarded as belonging to a genre and having its own typical schematic structures. Genres, in this sense, provide us with resources for interpreting and participating in communicative events.
Publication Details
This book chapter is published as Chen, H, Learning in new times: writing through the "eyes of genre", in Kell, P, Vialle, W, Konza, D and Vogl, G (eds), Learning and the learner: exploring learning for new times, University of Wollongong, 2008, 236p. Complete book available here.