
Papers from 2001

The research sensitive practitioner, Anne Cusick


Parliament and the Industrial Power, Andrew D. Frazer

Multiscale graphical modeling in space: Applications to command and control, Hsincheng Huang and Noel A. Cressie

Consciousness and conceptual schema, Daniel D. Hutto

Rachel Henning (1826-1914), Dorothy L. Jones

Computer-mediated communication facilitating physical and health education teacher preparation, Lori Lockyer, Gregg S. Rowland, John W. Patterson, and Douglas Hearne


Negotiating Difference: Singaporean Women Building an Ethics of Respect, Lenore T. Lyons


Re-telling ‘Us’: Researching the Lives of Singaporean Women, Lenore T. Lyons

Environment and public health, Brian Martin

Science: contemporary censorship, Brian Martin

Automatic Detection of Microcalcifications in Mammorgams using a Fuzzy Classifier, Fazel Naghdy, Golshah Naghdy, and Agustinus Drijarkara

Slipping the net: Fang Xiangshu and Trevor Hay's stories of modern China, Wenche Ommundsen

The Celtic chronologist: Rhys Jones and the dating of the human colonisation of Australia, Richard G. Roberts


Secrets - Flying in Silence, Gerry Turcotte

Spatial statistics: Analysis of field experiments, Jay M. Ver Hoef and Noel A. Cressie

Uncertainty and spatial linear models for ecological data, Jay M. Ver Hoef and Noel A. Cressie

Asymptotic distribution of the empirical cumulative distribution function predictor under nonstationarity, Jun Zhu, S N. Lahiri, and Noel A. Cressie

Papers from 2000


Private Desires, Public Pleasures: Community and Identity in a Postmodern World, Anthony Ashbolt


The Role of Technology in Sustainable Development, Sharon Beder

De Certeau and cultural studies, Ian Buchanan

Introduction: Deleuze and literature, Ian Buchanan and John Marks


Trauma reactions in the offender, Mitchell K. Byrne

The production of nature, Noel Castree

The impact of IOS-enabled virtual value chain on business outcomes: transformation of Japan Airlines, Akemi Chatfield and Niels Bjorn-Andersen

Becoming part of a multidisciplinary health care team, Patrick A. Crookes and Rhonda Griffiths

Europe in the Antipodes: Australian Medieval Studies, Louise D'Arcens


Behavioral Market Segmentation of Binary Guest Survey Data with Bagged Clustering, Sara Dolnicar and Friedrich Leisch

Cabramatta news talk: Audiences, identity and symbolic power, Tanja Dreher

Archaeology and Native Title in Australia: National and Local Perspectives., Richard L. Fullagar and Lesley M. Head

Mapping the new cultures and organisation of research in Australia, Samuel Garrett-Jones and Tim Turpin


Tracing Beach Sand Provenance and Transport using Foraminifera: Preliminary Examples from Northwest Europe and Southeast Australia, S. K. Haslett, Edward A. Bryant, and R. H. Curr

Pesticides and other agrochemicals, Alison L. Jones and A T. Proudfoot

Application of fractals in the study of rock fracture and rockburst-associated seismicity, Shivakumar Karekal

Aids for Disabled, Fazel Naghdy

Simple Intelligent Mouse (SiMouse), Fazel Naghdy and Apostolos Lazos

Birds of passage? The new generation of Chinese-Australian writers, Wenche Ommundsen

The circus is in town: Literary festivals and the mapping of cultural heritage, Wenche Ommundsen


History and heritage: change and adaptation, Michael K. Organ

Severity scores for poisoned patients: reasons and rationale, A T. Proudfoot and Alison L. Jones


Telling stories: text analysis in a museum, Emily Rose Purser

Luminescence dating of Kimberley rock art, Richard G. Roberts

Luminescence dating, S O. Troja and Richard G. Roberts

Navigational Rights off East Timor, Robin M. Warner

Space-time statistical modeling of environmental data, Christopher K. Wikle and Noel A. Cressie


Managing Technological Change and University Teaching, Sandra Wills and S. Alexander


Managing the introduction of technology in teaching and learning, Sandra Wills and Shirley Alexander


Disciplining the body: power, knowledge and subjectivity in a physical education lesson, Jan Wright

In Process control of Surface Finish in Grinding, Li Xue, Fazel Naghdy, and John l. Simpson

Papers from 1999

Sampling designs and prediction methods for Gaussian spatial processes, J Aldworth and Noel A. Cressie

Introduction: imagining space, Ruth Barcan and Ian Buchanan

Deleuze and cultural studies, Ian Buchanan

Introduction, Ian Buchanan

Non-places: space in the age of supermodernity, Ian Buchanan


Some Thoughts on Autumn Song, Jon Cockburn

Sketchinga Sea-Change: Atwood and Moodie, Anne A. Collett

Spatial analysis of particulate matter in an urban environment, Noel A. Cressie, M Kaiser, M Daniels, J Aldworth, J Lee, J Lee, S Lahiri, and L Cox

Policy choice for sustainability: marketization, law and institutions, Stephen Dovers and Warwick Gullett


Hallmark events, Kevin M. Dunn and Pauline M. McGuirk

Terahertz photoconductivity of 2D electrons in top-gated semiconductor structures, R J. Heron, R A. Lewis, R G. Clark, R P. Starrett, B E. Kane, G R. Facer, N E. Lumpkin, D G. Rickel, L N. Pfeiffer, and K W. West

Empirical Bayesian spatial prediction using wavelets, Hsincheng Huang and Noel A. Cressie

Cognition without representation?, Daniel Hutto

Drugs of abuse in the intensive care, Alison L. Jones

Non-linear dynamic processes induced in a 2DEG by intense terahertz radiation, P M Koenraad, R A. Lewis, L R C Waumans, C J G M Langerak, Wen Xu, and J. H. Wolter

Response of a 2DEG to intense THz radiation in high magnetic fields, R A. Lewis, P M Koenraad, L R C Waumans, H P M Pellemans, C J G M Langerak, Wen Xu, and J. H. Wolter

Against intellectual property, Brian Martin

Conclusion: in Technology and Public Participation, Brian Martin

Introduction: in Technology and Public Participation, Brian Martin

Technology, violence, and peace, Brian Martin

In backlash country: Revisiting the multicultural literature debate in the wake of Pauline Hanson, Wenche Ommundsen


Crypto Topics And Applications I, Jennifer Seberry, C. Charnes, J. Pieprzyk, and R. Safavi-Naini


Crypto Topics And Applications II, Jennifer Seberry, C. Charnes, J. Pieprzyk, and R. Safavi-Naini

Inference for extremes in disease mapping, Hal Stern and Noel A. Cressie

Collective excitations in a semiconductor under free-electron laser radiation, Wen Xu, P Vasilopoulos, C Zhang, and R A. Lewis

Thermalisation of hot electrons and thermionic cooling in a single barrier structure, C Zhang and R A. Lewis

Papers from 1998

An Authentic Leadership Framework for Catholic Schools, Narottam L. Bhindi and P Duignan

Leadership for the New Century, Narottam L. Bhindi and P Duignan

La dimension francophone à Maurice et analyse de l'identité mauricienne, Anu Bissoonauth-Bedford

Short-term plasticity in adult somatosensory cortex, M B. Calford, J C. Clarey, and R Tweedale

Integration of market economies and the rights of Labour: International regulation, Robert Castle, D P Chaudhri, and Chris Nyland

The construction of nature and the nature of construction: analytical and political tools for building survivable futures, Noel Castree and Bruce Braun

"Half me and half you": voices of real ladies and literary grandmothers in the poetry of Joan Crate and Magaret Atwood, Anne A. Collett

Image processing, Noel A. Cressie and Jon L. Davidson

Variable-sample-size sequential probability ratio test (VPRT), Noel A. Cressie and P B. Morgan

Techniques and strategies for translating research findings into health care practice, Patrick A. Crookes

Philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of research, Lorraine B. Ellis and Patrick A. Crookes

The measurement of mastery of relationship conflicts., Brin F. S Grenyer and L Luborsky

Accessing sources of knowledge, Christine Hibbert and Patrick A. Crookes

L'Axe Toulouse - Barcelone: de la Croisade a l'epoque moderne, Henri A. Jeanjean


The floating web, Dorothy L. Jones

Critiquing ethical issues in published research, Liz Matthews and Angela M. Venables

'My body, my poetry/in a season without languages in Australia': translative process in the poetry of Ouyang Yu, Vasso K Kalamaris, Antigone Kefala and Ania Walwicz, J McDonnell and Anne A. Collett


Criteria for determining quality in early learning for 3-6 year-olds, Iram Siraj-Blatchford

Disturbance of pragmatic functioning, Benita R. Smith and Eeva K. Leinonen


Australian Gothic, Gerry Turcotte

Cinematic Anxiety: dissecting agony in La Passion de Jean D'Arc, Ruth Walker

Chapter 1: Time-Dependent Reaction-Diffusion Problems and the LTDRM Approach, Song-Ping Zhu

Papers from 1997

Continuing Professional Development: The Star in the Marble, Narottam L. Bhindi

Measurement of Fractal Dimensions of Flocs by Light Scattering, G Bushell, Rose Amal, and Judy A. Raper

Steel city: the economy, 1945-1995, Robert Castle

Women, Modernity and Cars in Inter-War Victoria, Georgine W. Clarsen Dr