Publication Details

Shalavin, C. 2018, 'Don't Just Stay in Your Lane: Developing Digital Literacies Freestyle', in M. Campbell, J. Willems, C. Adachi, D. Blake, I. Doherty, S. Krishnan, S. Macfarlane, L. Ngo, M. O'Donnell, S. Palmer, L. Riddell, I. Story, H. Suri & J. Tai (eds), Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education: ASCILITE 2018: Conference Proceedings, ASCILITE, Australia, pp. 505-509.


Digital literacies are no longer optional for higher education staff - they are a necessity. However, comprehensive solutions on how to develop digital literacies in the workforce remain elusive. While many institutions implement clear definitions and frameworks in policies at the macro-level, rigid application of these tools is ineffective at a micro-level wherein personalized approach is needed. This paper describes the approach of a pilot professional development program at a regional university library that scopes and evolves to meet the needs of the workforce. The program is guided by design principles focusing on personalization and flexibility. In the future, the program will be evaluated to determine its impact on the workforce's development of digital literacies to provide guidance for other higher education institutions.
