Publication Details

Lawson, R. (2015). Curriculum design for assuring learning - leading the way: final report. Sydney, Australia: Office for Learning and Teaching, Department of Education. http://www.olt.gov.au/resource-curriculum-design-assuring-learning-leading-way-2015

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Executive Summary: Assuring learning is a vital element in educational practice. It is a feedback mechanism for learning and teaching practice, allowing educators to review students' achievements in relation to the expectations set for the learning experience, and to use this data to continually inform practice. All those involved in education should be engaged with assuring learning, but in the current standards-driven climate, it is regularly viewed as a compliance activity and a burden that encroaches on teaching and research time. This view needs to be dismissed: a cultural change is required to encourage mindsets that recognise that assurance of learning is beneficial to students, academics and institutions in improving learning and teaching experiences. This fellowship takes a step towards re-engaging academics with assurance of learning by examining curriculum design in a holistic manner, fostering a collaborative approach to design.
