The Australian Health Services Research Institute aims to improve the management and provision of health and community services in Australia by achieving greater equity in resource distribution, fairer access to services, better continuity within and across the health and community care sectors, and the use of evidence to assist management decision-making.


Submissions from 2008

A measurement suite for dementia, Emily Sansoni, Nick Marosszeky, and Janet Sansoni


Facilitating knowledge exchange and transfer: some key issues, Janet Sansoni


Health outcomes: an overview and introduction, Janet Sansoni


Recent findings: the dementia outcomes measurement suite (DOMS) project, Janet E. Sansoni, Nicholas Marosszeky, and Emily Sansoni


Developing and refining outcome measurement suites: an example from the National Continence Management Strategy, Janet E. Sansoni, Nicholas Marosszeky, and Emily Sansoni


The development of the Revised Urinary Incontinence Scale (RUIS), Janet E. Sansoni, Nicholas Marosszeky, Emily Sansoni, and Graeme Hawthorne


Measuring patient satisfaction with urinary incontinence treatment, Janet Sansoni, Graeme Hawthorne, Nick Marosszeky, Laura Hayes, and Emily Sansoni


Measuring faecal incontinence in Australia, Janet Sansoni, Nick Marosszeky, Graeme Hawthorne, and Emily Sansoni

Dementia Outcomes Measurement Suite (DOMS) projects: outline of recommended instruments, Janet Sansoni, Nick Marosszeky, and Emily Sansoni


Recent findings: Dementia Outcomes Measurement Suite, Janet Sansoni, Nick Marosszeky, and Emily Sansoni

The Dementia Outcomes Measurement Suite (DOMS) project, Janet Sansoni, Nick Marosszeky, and Emily Sansoni


The Dementia Outcomes Measurement Suite: tools for practice improvement (Guest lecture series), Janet Sansoni, Nick Marosszeky, and Emily Sansoni

Benchmarking outcomes in rehabilitation: how to make AROC work for you!, Frances Simmonds


Developing targets for outcomes of treatment of fractured neck of femur in Australia, Frances Simmonds, Janet Law, and Tara Stevermuer

Developing targets for outcomes of treatment of fractured neck of femur in Australia, Frances Simmonds, Janet Law, and Tara Stevermuer


The AROC annual report: the state of rehabilitation in Australia in 2007, Frances Simmonds, J E Marosszeky, and Tara Stevermuer


"Make mine a combo": explaining why a combination model of inpatient and ambulatory care services in rehabilitation works better than inpatient and ambulatory care services alone, Frances Simmonds, Nick Marosszeky, and Tara Stevermuer

Development of a carer assessment tool for the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Frances Simmonds, Peter Samsa, Catherine Rostron, Kathy Eagar, Alan Owen, Janette Green, and Nick Marosszeky

The state of rehabilitation in Australia in 2006, Frances Simmonds and Tara Stevermuer


The AROC Annual Report: the state of rehabilitation in Australia 2006, F. Simmonds and T. Stevermuer


Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration - establishing measures of palliative care patient outcomes, Prue Watters and Maree Banfield


Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration: the challenges of developing a national data set collection, Prue Watters and David Fildes

Care planning sub-program: fourth evaluation progress report, Anita Westera, Kate Williams, Karen Quinsey, and Darcy Morris


Developing the potential of occupational science through intercultural dialogue, Alison Wicks

Engaging with the community to promote an occupational perspective, Alison Wicks

Mainstreaming an occupational perspective of health: lessons from the AOSC story, Alison Wicks


Occupational science and its relationship to occupational therapy, Alison Wicks

Strategies for adopting an occupational perspective, Alison Wicks

Thinking and acting 'outside the box' to promote an occupational perspective, Alison Wicks

Viewing the world through an occupational lens, Alison Wicks

Turning up the heat on occupation. Strategies for occupation-based practice, Alison Wicks and Heleen Bliljevens

Wearing an occupational lens: a prerequisite for enabling occupation, Alison Wicks and Mandy Stanley


Updates to the catalogue of evidence-based strategies for children's health and wellbeing: part 1, Kate Williams, David Fildes, Pamela Grootemaat, Nick Marosszeky, and Christopher Magee


Updates to the catalogue of evidence-based strategies for children's health and wellbeing: Part 2, Kate Williams, Pamela E. Grootemaat, David L. Fildes, Malcolm R. Masso, and Nick Marosszeky

Evidence-based interventions for adolescents, part 1: substance use and school retention, Kate Williams, Pamela Grootemaat, Christopher Magee, and Robert Gordon

Evidence-based interventions for children's health and wellbeing: additions to the VCAMS catalogue, Kate Williams, Nick Marosszeky, Pamela Grootemaat, and Christopher Magee

Evidence-based interventions for adolescents, part 2, Kate Williams, Nick Marosszeky, Pamela Grootemaat, Christopher Magee, and Robert Gordon

Care planning sub-program: third evaluation progress report, Kate Williams, Karen Quinsey, Anita Westera, and Darcy Morris

Papers from 2007

The development of Version 2 of the AN-SNAP casemix classification system, Robert Gordon and Janette P. Green


GAPS revisited: follow up evaluation of an Australian rural palliative care service, Malcolm Masso, David L. Fildes, Karen Quinsey, and Sheila Matete


Why patients attend emergency departments for conditions potentially appropriate for primary care: Reasons given by patients and clinicians differ, Malcolm R. Masso, Andrew J. Bezzina, Peter M. Siminski, Rebekkah Middleton, and Kathy Eagar

The SF36 Version 2: critical analyses of population weights, scoring algorithms and population norms, Janet E. Sansoni, Graeme Hawthorne, Richard H. Osborne, and Anne Taylor


The AROC Annual Report: the state of rehabilitation in Australia 2005, F. Simmonds and T. Stevermuer


Strategies for improving outcomes for young children A catalogue of evidence-based interventions, Kate Williams, David L. Fildes, Nick Marosszeky, Sheila Matete, Pamela E. Grootemaat, Carrie L. Findlay, Malcolm R. Masso, Heather Yeatman, Deanne Condon-Paoloni, and Kathy Eagar

Submissions from 2006

Community care assessment and the web: what do we know already and where are we heading?, Andrew Clark, Gill Grump, Peter D. Samsa, and Alan G. Owen

Towards a measure of function for Home and Community Care Services in Australia: Part 2 - Evaluation of the screening tool and assessment instruments, Robert Gordon, Kathy Eagar, Janette P. Green, Alan G. Owen, and Karen Qunisey


AROC Reports for Anywhere Hospital, July 2004 - June 2005, J. Green, T. Stevermuer, and R. Gordon

Towards a measure of function for Home and Community Care Services in Australia: Part 1 - Development of a standard national approach, Nicholas Marosszeky, Kathy Eagar, Roslyn G. Poulos, and Alan G. Owen


Designing a faecal incontinence instrument using survey data, Janet E. Sansoni, Nicholas Marosszeky, Emily Sansoni, and Graeme Hawthorne


Why 'primary care' patients go to emergency departments: demographic profile and reasons for presentation, Peter M. Siminski, Andrew J. Bezzina, and Kathy Eagar

Ethnicity, deprivation and mental health outcomes, Thomas Trauer, Kathy Eagar, and Graham Mellsop


Older women’s "ways of doing”: Strategies for successful ageing, Alison Wicks


Conceptual and practical issues in qualitative research: Reflections on a life history study, Alison Wicks and G. Whiteford


Technical report: Development of the Best Start catalogue of early intervention strategies for children's health and wellbeing, Kate Williams, David L. Fildes, Nick Marosszeky, Nadine R. Clark, and Kathy Eagar

Submissions from 2005


An Evaluation of the Lismore Driver Education Program 'On the Road', Kathleen F. Clapham, Freidoon A. Khavarpour, Rebecca Ivers, and Mark Stevenson

Australia, Finland and South Africa - delving into data to understand differences in stroke rehabilitation outcomes, Janette P. Green, H. Valvanne-Tommila, H. Loubser, Robert Gordon, P. Paunio, J. E. Marosszeky, and B. Richards


AROC Reports for Any Health Fund (AHF) January 2004 - December 2004, J. Green, T. Stevermuer, and R. Gordon


Australian, Finland and South Africa - Delving into Data to Investigate Differences in Stroke Rehabilitation, J. Green, H. Valvanne-Tommila, H. Loubser, R. Gordon, P. Paunio, J. E. Marosszeky, and B. Richards

Activation of dendritic cells by human papillomavirus-like particles through TLR4 and NF-kB-mediated signalling, moderated by TGF-B, Xiaosong Liu, Ian H. Frazer, Ranjeny Thomas, Ibtissam A. Jabbar, Mengyong Yan, Judy Peng, and Luis Filgueira


Instrument Review - SF-12® Health Survey (Version 1.0) for use in Australia, N. Marosszeky and J. Sansoni


Instrument Review - SF-36® Health Survey (Version 1.0) for use in Australia, N. Marosszeky and J. Sansoni

PADP assessment and priority setting based on need and capacity to benefit, Malcolm R. Masso, Alan G. Owen, Kate Williams, Louise R. Ramsay, Robert Gordon, and Kathy Eagar

Lessons from the National Mental Health Integration Program, Jane Pirkis, Kathy Eagar, Alan G. Owen, Natasha Posner, Philip Burgess, and David Perkins

FIM Information and Procedures Manual, K. Quinsey, C. Findlay, and L. Willmott

(Re)form with Substance? Restructuring and governance in the Australian health system 2004/05, Mark D. Rix, Kathy Eagar, and Alan G. Owen


Stroke outcomes in Australia - five years of AROC data, Tara L. Stevermuer

Spike Morphology, Location, and Frequency in Benign Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes, Tara L. Stevermuer, AG Berroya, AF Bleasel, AME Bye, and J Lawson

Performance of routine outcome measures in adult mental health care, Thomas Trauer, Kathy Eagar, and Graham Mellsop

Older women's 'ways of doing': Strategies for successful ageing, Alison M. Wicks


Evaluation of a midwifery model of care, Kathryn E. Williams, A. Lainchbury, and Kathy Eagar

Papers from 2003


Creating Connections - Health, Community and Residential Care Assessments, Kathy Eagar


Impact of private health insurance incentives on obstetric outcomes in NSW hospitals, B. Shorten and Allison Shorten


Cancer: Incidence, Mortality, Screening and Survival Among Residents of the Illawarra Health Area, Victoria J. Westley-Wise


Tobacco, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs: Use and Impact Among Residents of the Illawarra Health Area, Victoria J. Westley-Wise

Papers from 2002


The Options for Future Assessment Models in Community Care, Kathy Eagar and Alan G. Owen

Submissions from 2001


Diabetes Mellitus Among Residents of the Illawarra Health Area, Victoria J. Westley-Wise


Indigenous Health: Causes of Hospital Morbidity, Victoria J. Westley-Wise


Cardiovascular Disease: Mortality, Morbidity and Risk Factors Among Residents of the Illawarra Health Area, Victoria J. Westley-Wise and Sarah Thackway


Injury & Poisoning: Morbidity Among Residents of the Illawarra Health Area, Victoria J. Westley-Wise and Sarah Thackway


Injury & Poisoning: Mortality Among Residents of the Illawarra Health Area, Victoria J. Westley-Wise and Sarah Thackway


Respiratory Disease Among Residents of the Illawarra Health Area, Victoria J. Westley-Wise and Sarah Thackway

Submissions from 1997


A community-wide hepatitis A outbreak in the Shoalhaven region, New South Wales, Timothy Heath, Desolie Lovegrove, Victoria J. Westley-Wise, and Christine Roberts

Submissions from 1996


Ross River virus infection on the North Coast of New South Wales, Victoria J. Westley-Wise, John Beard, Tim Sladden, Therese Dunn, and John Simpson

Submissions from 1995


Exposure to pesticides in ambient air, John Beard, Victoria J. Westley-Wise, and Geoff Sullivan

Submissions from 1994


Influence of socioeconomic status, ethnicity and an educational brochure on compliance with a postal faecal occult blood test., Julie M. King, Gregory Fairbrother, Cristina J. Thompson, and David Morris


Legionnaires' disease outbreak, Fairfield 1992: public health aspects, Michael Levy, Victoria J. Westley-Wise, Charles Blumer, Michael Frommer, George Rubin, David Lyle, John Brown, and Greg Stewart


Health of Aboriginal Mothers and Babies in NSW, Victoria J. Westley-Wise and Lee Taylor

Submissions from 1993


Controlling Tuberculosis in New South Wales, Victoria J. Westley-Wise, Michael Levy, Cait Lonie, Jeremy McAnulty, Meg Winks, and Greg Stewart

Submissions from 1992


Investigation of an outbreak of gastroenteritis, Thais Miles, Victoria J. Westley-Wise, and Michael Levy


Analysing health systems: a modular approach, Victoria J. Westley-Wise

Submissions from 1991


Investigating a reported scarlet fever outbreak, Victoria J. Westley-Wise