Publication Details

F. Simmonds, N. Marosszeky & T. Stevermuer ""Make mine a combo": explaining why a combination model of inpatient and ambulatory care services in rehabilitation works better than inpatient and ambulatory care services alone", Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Congress: People at Work, Managing Complexity, Adelaide, 7-9 May, (2008)


This paper seeks to explain an interesting AROC finding from a recent study examining different DVA patient care models.

Design Pre and Post Treatment design.

Statistical analysis of group data using an expanded AROC/FIM data collection and outcomes reporting system to include ambulatory care patients.

In a recent study examining models of care for DVA patients in six private hospitals, it was found that those patients in combination care (both inpatient and ambulatory care) appeared to have better outcomes on the FIM, Lawton's and patient goals than those with inpatient care or ambulatory care alone. Further statistical analysis will examine this interesting finding in relation to specific impairment groups, as well as to tease out the effects of age, discharge destination and other issues on clinical decision making. A key question being: Does the decision to stop rehabilitation for inpatients depend on clinical characteristics or other factors ? What factors influence the decision to extend the rehabilitation episode into the ambulatory setting?

This exploratory paper attempts to explain this interesting finding about the combination model of inpatient and ambulatory care services, and maps out a future line of research for AROC.
