

Degree Name

Master of Research


School of Physics


In Molecular Radiation Therapy, the estimation of energy absorbed within tissue is critical for the assessment of the e cacy of radiopharmaceuticals. Computational phantoms are a valuable tool to estimate radiation dose and to ensure that radiation dose to healthy tissue is minimised whilst still achieving a therapeutic level of radiation dose to disease cells.

The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has published several computational phantoms for the radiation protection of the population, amongst these are female and male adult voxelised phantoms (ICRP Publication 110) and adult mesh reference phantoms (ICRP Publication 145). The ICRP 110 voxelised phantoms have been widely used for the investigation of radiation dose from internalization of radionuclides. The ICRP 145 mesh phantom has multiple advantages compared to the voxel phantom, with the ability to morph the phantom, as well as create more accurate organ shapes with the availability of rendering software. The aim of this study was to implement the latter in the Geant4/GATE Monte Carlo tool and assess its performance when compared to the ICRP 110 phantom, of which it is an adaptation.

FoR codes (2008)

029903 Medical Physics



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