

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic, and Biomedical Engineering


High-temperature lubrication plays a critical role in various engineering processes of hot metal forming (e.g. hot forging, hot rolling, hot extrusion…). It has been acknowledged that high energy efficiency, low material losses, and optimum product quality can be achieved by the application of effective lubricants. Although sodium-containing glass melts have proven themselves as the outstanding candidate lubricant for hot metalworking processes, they have reached their performance limit. In addition, the concern about the corrosion of sodium toward oxide scale is also highlighted. The current study not only puts an effort into improving the lubricity of the existing melt lubricants but also concentrates on the formulation of the lubricant package for high-temperature manufacturing processes. Particularly, the development of the novel multifunctional lubricant additives from the existing solid lubricants is at the heart of the research activities.

FoR codes (2020)

401708 Tribology, 401408 Manufacturing processes and technologies (excl. textiles), 401605 Functional materials, 401607 Metals and alloy materials



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