Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
School of the Arts, English and Media
This thesis is about the way we talk about nerd identity as a unified and observable ‘fact’ of our cultural experience, even though (as the case studies and participants’ talk reveal) it is an evasive concept that we throw together, even as we discuss it. This thesis is ultimately about mess. Nerd is the case study through which to observe discursive and cultural messiness, and talk – particularly that from my field research – provides examples of the different ways we make sense of such mess and make it into something that appears stable and coherent.
Recommended Citation
Campbell, Raewyn, "Woefully Imprecise": Nerdom as Messy Discourse, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, School of the Arts, English and Media, University of Wollongong, 2021.
FoR codes (2008)
200204 Cultural Theory, 200205 Culture, Gender, Sexuality, 200104 Media Studies, 200299 Cultural Studies not elsewhere classified
Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the University of Wollongong.