Examining feedback practices in WIL subjects: A case study

Publication Name

Applications of Work Integrated Learning Among Gen Z and Y Students


The purpose of this study is to explore feedback practices and support for feedback literacy development within subjects that feature work-integrated learning (WIL). WIL is growing in the tertiary education context as institutions face ongoing pressure to produce graduates that are 'work ready'. The extent to which feedback and feedback literacies are supported or transpire within WIL activities and subjects has yet to be examined. This study aims to identify current practices of feedback, particularly Gen Z students' perceptions of their feedback development, in subjects that support WIL experiences. This study was conducted as a case study within the Bachelor of Primary Education Degree at an Australian University. Thirty-four students participated in focus groups and responded to questions regarding the role and quality of feedback and feedback literacy development. Findings reveal that when students perceive activities and assessments are linked directly to their teaching (discipline) practice, that is their future careers, they are more inclined to value the feedback.

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