The uniquely relational role of nurses during the closure of large residential institutions for people with intellectual disability in Australia: A qualitative study

Publication Name

Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability


Background: After decades of planning, nurses played a pivotal role in achieving the closure of large residential institutions for people with intellectual disability by 2018. This paper describes the experiences of nurses facilitating the closure of these institutions in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia. Method: An interview-based, qualitative study was conducted with twenty-four registered nurses from Australia who had more than twelve months’ experience of caring for people with intellectual disability any time between 1960 and 2016. Results: Nurses facilitated transition for residents and their families during devolution. However, nurses’ personal experiences of transition to work in community settings was complicated by inconsistent preparation, uncertainty of employment, and changes in professional status. Conclusions: Extensive experience and detailed knowledge of their clients enabled nurses to maximise opportunities for smooth transition out of institutions into community care for people with intellectual disability. Devolution was personally and professionally costly for some nurses.

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