Strength and fabric anisotropy of granular materials under true triaxial configurations using DEM

Publication Name

Powder Technology


This paper investigates the strength and fabric anisotropy of granular materials under true triaxial configurations using the discrete element method. A clump logic based on the multi-sphere approach was utilized to replicate realistic particle shapes. The evolutions of deviatoric stress and volumetric strains were found to be independent of mean effective stress, and intermediate principal stress parameter (b). From a macroscopic viewpoint, all samples exhibited initial strain hardening followed by softening behaviour, stabilizing at large deviatoric strains due to the dense state of assemblies. The peak state friction angles showed dependency on the b-value, aligning closely with experimental findings. Microscopic parameters such as mechanical coordination number and sliding fraction were found to be approximately independent of b-values. Additionally, non-coaxiality was observed for various b-values except for specific shear modes, aligning with previous findings using spherical particles. These results highlight the capability of clumped particles to simulate the true mechanical behaviour of granular materials and contribute to our understanding of their complex response under different loading conditions.

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