A polyphonic model for tracing in(ex)clusivity and relative dominance in CSR narratives

Publication Name

Social Responsibility Journal


Purpose: The purpose of this study is primarily conceptual, presenting the notion of a polyphonic model as a tool for analyzing the interactions of diverse stakeholder voices in generating corporate social responsibility (CSR) narratives and practices. Design/methodology/approach: The theoretical basis for this model is Bakhtin’s notions of voice, polyphony, dialogic relations and placement within dialogue. Findings: To demonstrate possible applications of the model, this study considers CSR narratives that are emerging from some countries of the Arabian Gulf, given that this region’s historical trajectory and socio-political context differ substantially from those of more widely studied geopolitical contexts. This application reveals valuable use of the model. Originality/value: The contribution of this paper is its pioneering development of a polyphonic model that serves to reveal the diverse voices that shape CSR narratives. This provides a tool particularly useful for investigating the creation of CSR narratives in less researched organizational and national contexts.

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