Comparative Study of Multi-Biometrics Authentication Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Publication Name

2024 11th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions), ICRITO 2024


Face and Human walking style is plays important role to recognize a person. This paper is a brief assessment of various machine learning algorithms for solving multi-biometric recognition, their limitations and their applications. Face and Gait taken as two different inputs for recognize a person from captured video by camera. Here captured both inputs not need to inform to a person. Here Analyze Face and gait as Uni-Bio metric model and find their results then after applying Fusion technique as a multi bio metric model (face +gait features), conclude their results in different machine learning algorithms in different data sets and different environments. Here also focus some different Fusion techniques that are applicable in different machine learning algorithms. Index Terms-Multi-biometric, Face and Gait features, Machine Learning algorithms.

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