EMF Compliance Distance Calculation Enhancement for Multi-Technology Mobile Site

Publication Name

SCC 2023 - IEEE 3rd International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication


Mobile networks are growing rapidly, particularly in light of the advent of the 5G New Radio (NR). This growth requires installing more base stations (BSs) that increase overall electromagnetic field (EMF) emission. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has set maximum limits to control EMF levels. This paper studies the compliance boundary for a single site running with multiple technologies including the 2G/3G/4G/5G colocated in the same tower. An enhanced formula is proposed and used with a typical site configuration setup for the boundary calculations in the form of Compliance Distance (CD). Also, the study investigated the CD for the Macro site that is commonly used in live networks. Additionally, this paper investigated the power density (PD) and total exposure ratio (TER) for occupational workers (OW) and the general public (GP) at the site. The results show that the enhanced formula gives shorter CD distances when the power reduction factor is considered, and 5G has the highest contribution to TER.

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