Smart Assistive Trolley for Elderly Care and Independence

Publication Name

Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics


As people get older their shopping experience gets harder, as they have to keep pushing a trolley that is made of steel, as well as they keep on adding items through their shopping journey the trolley gets heavier. As a result, this project aims to help these senior citizens by providing a robotic trolley that follows them during their journey (through face detection) without the need of any physical interreference, in addition to calculating the walking distance providing the property of showing how many meters they have walked. The trolley has been fabricated with the walking distance estimation feature that has been accomplished by the ultrasonic sensor after the camera detects the user and tracks him. This strategy is achieved by using an OpenCV library that is particularly could be used in Python programming language. The results have shown a great improvement in the elderly individuals’ lives, as it supports them by giving more comfort and extra liberty to the shopping experience.

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