mHealth Asthma Management App’s Content Creation, Stakeholders’ Values and Design Features

Publication Name

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction


The objective of this article is to understand relevant stakeholders’ perceptions regarding their needs, values, and design requirements for a mHealth asthma management app. This qualitative study adopted the Value Sensitive Design (VSD) approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven healthcare professionals and twenty asthma patients as consumers. NVivo 12 software was used to code the interview data for qualitative analysis. The persuasive design system model was used for mapping the identified design requirements. Nine values were identified from this study: Safety, Awareness, Credibility, Usability, Accessibility, Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, and Connectivity. These values have been translated to 59 design requirements and 19 features of the PSD model were mapped to the identified design requirements. All the identified stakeholders’ values were considered to provide comprehensive support, adding value to the mHealth asthma app’s design features.

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