Deployment of Renewable Energy and Utility-Scale Batteries in Australia: Lessons Learned and Policy Implications for Other Countries

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Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific


The huge potential of renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has already been demonstrated in Australia, which is positioned well at the forefront of the renewable energy transition despite often changing energy policy. This chapter reviews the most recent trends and outcomes of renewable energy utilization in Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM). The purpose of this review is (1) to update the most recent renewable energy and battery developments in the NEM, (2) to describe the energy dynamics in South Australia, the most advanced Australian state in terms of penetration of wind and solar PV generation, (3) to summarize current and future cost projections of renewable generation technologies in Australia, and (4) to summarize the main policy support schemes used in Australia to facilitate renewable energy investments. This chapter could help inform energy and climate policy decision making in Australia and other countries, including in Southeast Asia.

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