OLBS: Oblivious Location-Based Services

Publication Name

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security


With the growing use of mobile devices, location-based services (LBS) are becoming increasingly popular. BLS deliver accurate services to individuals according to their geographical locations, but privacy issues have been the primary concerns of users. Privacy-preserving LBS (PPLBS) were proposed to protect location privacy, but there are still some problems: 1) a semi-trusted third party (STTP) is required to blur users' locations; 2) both the computation and communication costs of generating a query are linear with the size of queried areas; 3) the schemes were not formally treated, in terms of definition, security model, security proof, etc. In this paper, to protect location privacy and improve query efficiency, an oblivious location-based services (OLBS) scheme is proposed. Our scheme captures the following features: 1) an STTP is not required; 2) users can query services without revealing their exact location information; 3) the service provider only knows the size of queried areas and nothing else; and 4) both the computation and communication costs of generating a query is constant, instead of linear with the size of queried areas. We formalise both the definition and security model of our OLBS scheme, and propose a concrete construction. Furthermore, the implementation is conducted to show its efficiency. The security of our scheme is reduced to well-known complexity assumptions. The novelty is to reduce the computation and communication costs of generating a query and enable the service provider to obliviously generate decrypt keys for queried services. This contributes to the growing work of formalising PPLBS schemes and improving query efficiency.

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Funding Sponsor

National Natural Science Foundation of China



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