Cultivating resilient economies through responsible mineral resource trade: Does eco-resourcing rebate matter?

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Resources Policy


The pursuit of sustainable development in the face of global environmental challenges has underscored the need to integrate economic growth with environmental conservation. This study investigates the intricate relationship between resource trade and green economic recovery from 1973 to 2019 for 43 African countries. This relationship is not merely transactional; it is intricately shaped by the moderating role of technological innovation and the eco-resourcing rebate policies. Technological innovation serves as a conduit through which resource trade channels its effects on green economic recovery. Eco-resourcing rebates, as financial incentives, amplify the positive influence of resource trade and ultimately drive the attainment of green economic recovery objectives. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on the interplay between economic activities and environmental stewardship. The findings highlight the significance of mediating resource trade with technological innovation, and eco-resourcing rebates to foster a resilient green economic recovery.

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Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University



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