A Design Concept of Linear-Type Gravity Compensation Using Permanent-Magnet Arrays

Publication Name

Mechanisms and Machine Science


This paper presents a design concept of using permanent magnets for linear-type gravity compensation. The basic idea is to let one permanent magnet (or a group of magnets) carry out the weight to move against a group of another permanent magnets that are fixed on the ground. The fixed magnets are arranged in a special array configuration so that the interactive forces among the magnets can effectively cancel the weight within a certain range of heights. While the concept uses common magnets with regular sizes and magnetizations, the design goal is to figure out suitable configurations of the magnet arrays for synthesizing the required magnetic forces. The design was done via the aid of electromagnetic software simulation for realizing the generated magnetic forces under the selected design parameters. It is shown that the design can reduce up to 85% of the gravity effect over the traveling range of the magnet in the studied example. A conceptual design of applying the proposed magnet arrays for a lifting device is presented, which demonstrates a nearly 95% elimination of the gravity effect for a 2-kg load under a 80-mm vertical displacement.

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