Publication Details

Fitzgerald, L., Cross, J. & Raper, R. (2013). The role of VET in transitioning to renewable energy sources. AVETRA 2013 conference proceedings (pp. 1-12). Australia: AVETRA.


The Federal Government's Renewable Energy Target (RET), while too conservative according to reliable sources, has established that by 2020, twenty percent of Australia's electricity supply will come from renewable sources, primarily wind and solar energy. In this paper, we consider the implications of the transition to renewables for the Australian labour market in three ways. First, we critically review the literature on how the shift to renewables will impact on jobs in terms of the number and types of new jobs and those that may be phased out. Second, by drawing on illustrative examples of training and education programs currently available, we propose models of good practice and areas requiring attention. Finally, we raise and tentatively explore issues arising from existing and changing models of interaction between government, business and other parties in relation to the VET sector's role in developing the labour market and skills required for a smooth transition to renewable energy.
