Digital Play and Learning in the Home: Families' Perspective
Early childhood is a precious and sacred time when learning and developmental foundations for future succes are eslabli hed. It is widely acknowledged that parent are the child' first educator (Stephen er al. 2013) and U1at families "play an li:nportant role in providing children with opportunities Lo acces and use digital tools at home, which in turn influences their learning' (Neumann 2014, p. 112). The environment is often the fir t context where children acce and experience digital technologies. It has been the focus of research (e.g. Pahl 2010; Marsh 2006) with strong argument for the need to continue to examine these context to understand how technology can "enrich rather than hinder children's play experiences" (Johnson and Christie 2009, p. 285). With increased access to the Internet in many homes, comes increased variety in the types of technological activities available to children. The importance of the decisions made by families regarding digital technologies is clear. Indeed, "it is parents who 'are the real experts in their toddlers' use of screen technologies" (Holloway et al. 2015, p. 1 ). Additionally, it is noteworthy to mention that when we talk about families, it is not only parents who influence young children's experience with digital technologies but also other family members such as older siblings (e.g. Matsumoto et al. 2015).
Publication Details
Kervin, L., Verenikina, I. & Rivera, C. (2018). Digital Play and Learning in the Home: Families' Perspective. Digital Childhoods Technologies and Children's Everyday Lives, 22 117-130.