A "slowmation" (abbreviated from "slow animation") is a simplified way for university or school students to design and make a stop-motion animation that is played at 2 frames/s providing a slow-moving image that is narrated to explain a science concept (Hoban 2005). It is an innovative way for students to learn science because they engage with a concept in many different ways when creating a slowmation by (i) reading text/images and making summary notes, (ii) creating a storyboard to plan the explanation, (iii) making or using existing models, (iv) taking digital still photos of models as they are manually moved, and (v) using technology to integrate different modes that make up the final animation.
Publication Details
Hoban, G. (2015). Slowmation. In R. Gunstone (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Science Education (pp. 972-972). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.