Does the Australian mental health system provide mental health or psychiatric care? Returning to Engel 40 years on



Publication Details

Pai, N. & Vella, S. (2020). Does the Australian mental health system provide mental health or psychiatric care? Returning to Engel 40 years on. Australasian Psychiatry, online first 1-2.


Objective: This article discusses the treatment that is actually provided by the Australian mental health system, arguing that the treatment provided constitutes purely psychiatric care in the sense that it is solely reliant on pharmaceuticals. This issue is framed in the context of an increasing mental health disease burden and the need to move to more holistic care in accordance with that advocated by Engel. Conclusion: Thus, with the predictions of an increase in mental and substance use in the next 30 years, it is imperative to take measures to try to negate this increasing burden and associated costs. Therefore, returning to the holistic views of Engel and incorporating the psychological and social needs of patients in treatment is recommended as a way to attempt to minimise the impact.

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