Publication Details

Silla, A. J., McFadden, M. & Byrne, P. G. (2018). Hormone-induced spawning of the critically endangered northern corroboree frog Pseudophryne pengilleyi. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 30 (10), 1352-1358.


Fundamental knowledge of the optimal hormone concentrations required to stimulate amplexus and spawning in breeding pairs of amphibians is currently lacking, hindering our understanding of the proximate mechanisms underpinning mating behaviour. The present study investigated the effects of: (1) the dose of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRH-A) administered; (2) male-female hormone administration interval; and (3) topical application of GnRH-A, on spawning success in the northern corroboree frog. Administration of GnRH-A at doses of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 μg g-1were highly successful, with a significantly greater proportion of hormone-Treated pairs ovipositing (89-100%) compared with the 0 μg g-1treatment (22%). Of the hormone-Treated pairs, those receiving 0.5 μg g-1GnRH-A exhibited the highest fertilisation success (61%). Administration of GnRH-A to males and females simultaneously (0 h) was more effective than injecting males either 48 or 24 h before the injection of females. Overall, administration of GnRH-A was highly successful at inducing spawning in northern corroboree frogs. For the first time, we also effectively induced spawning following the topical application of GnRH-A to the ventral pelvic region. Topical application of GnRH-A eliminates the need for specialised training in amphibian injection, and will allow assisted reproductive technologies to be adopted by a greater number of captive facilities globally.

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