Publication Details

Traynor, V. & De Vries, L. (2016). Access to rehabilitation services: a 'fair go' for individuals living with a dementia. Journal of Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 19 (2), 5-7.


Similar to other Western countries, approximately nine per cent of Australians aged over 65 are living with a dementia and for those aged over 85 the prevalence rate rises to up to 30 per cent. As the ageing population increases, the prevalence of dementia will increase (Guideline Adaptation Committee, 2016). It is doubtless an important healthcare issue. In the past 10 years, since the Australian Government published its first National Framework for Action on Dementia and the nomination of dementia as a National Health Priority, dementia care has achieved never imagined improvements. Dementiaspecific research and educational initiatives by the Dementia Collaborative Research Centres and Dementia Training Study Centres achieved unprecedented hope for consumers, family carers and clinicians about the new opportunities to improve the wellbeing and quality of life of individuals living with a dementia, and their family carers.
