Methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from pigs housed on litter and from stockpiling of spent litter



Publication Details

Phillips, F. A., Wiedemann, S. G., Naylor, T. A., McGahan, E. J., Warren, B. R., Murphy, C. M., Parkes, S. D. & Wilson, J. (2016). Methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from pigs housed on litter and from stockpiling of spent litter. Animal Production Science, 56 (9), 1390-1403.


The majority of the greenhouse gas emissions from the Australian pork industry originate from manure management, and changes in management have the potential to significantly decrease these emissions. The present study measured methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from a deep-litter housing system and the stockpiled spent litter. The deep-litter system, when compared with conventional effluent pond systems, offers the opportunity of mitigating emissions by 66% and 80%, with and without a stockpile.

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