How to survive in research: advice for the novice investigator



Publication Details

Siskind, D., Parker, S., Loi, S., Looi, J. C., Macfarlane, M. D., Merry, S., Smith, G. & Kisely, S. (2015). How to survive in research: advice for the novice investigator. Australasian Psychiatry, 23 (1), 22-24.


Objectives: This paper, written by the RANZCP Committee for Research, provides an outline for how to survive in research, considering the ingredients likely to contribute to success, the role of supportive structures and the expected challenges. Learning how to survive in research is relevant for both trainees and for Fellows undertaking research at any stage of their career. Conclusions: Intellectual curiosity, perseverance, frustration tolerance, patience and humility are key for success as a researcher. Selection of the right supervisor is important, as is development and maintenance of a good working supervisor/supervisee relationship. The personal benefits of undertaking research include flexibility in work hours, and improved skills in writing, oral presentations, objectivity, critical thinking, problem solving and project management.

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