Logging and fire in Australian forests: errors by Attiwill et al. (2014)



Publication Details

Bradstock, R. A. & Price, O. F. (2014). Logging and fire in Australian forests: errors by Attiwill et al. (2014). Conservation Letters, 7 (4), 419-420.


In summary, our analysis shows that recent logging re- sulted in higher probability of crown fire in a range of for- est types, including Ash forest, during the 2009 Victorian fires. The disparity between our results and the putative conclusions of Attiwill et al. (2014) reflects their lack formal analyses. Such analyses are required to discriminate obvious environmental effects (e.g., weather, terrain) on fire severity, from those of land management and time since disturbance. Spatial autocorrelation in fire severity patterns must also be accounted in order to derive valid conclusions (e.g., Murphy & Russell-Smith 2010).

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