Development of transport infrastructure has significant challenges including acquisition lag, phased evolution, multiple disparate stakeholders and environment-specific issues. The Asset Standards Authority (ASA) at TfNSW is introducing MBSE to address these challenges. Instrumental to the introduction is the development of a framework that structures the available data and provides guidance and traceability between the data sets. This framework combines the enterprise-level drivers with the lower level drivers such as standards to outline a generic conceptual design for a transport system. This conceptual design is then used to guide future system development. The outcome is future project information based on greater, enduring understanding of the transport system.
Publication Details
Scott, W., Fullalove, R., Arabian, G. & Campbell, P. (2016). Case Study: A Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Framework for Characterising Transportation Systems Over the Full Life Cycle. INCOSE International Symposium, 26 (1), 916-932.