Revolution 2(1) January 1971

Revolution 2(1) January 1971

Phillip Frazer

This collection has been made available due to its historical and research importance. It contains material that reflects attitudes of the era in which it was originally published, and that some viewers may find confronting.


Philip N. West - Depraved / Fascism by any other name is just the same
Richard Liney - Beethoven beyond the blue - an interview with Lindsay Bourke
Steve Hein - On the horizon
Pass the acetate, Ethyl - a food freak explains why he is one
Rolling Stone supplement - Ben Fong-Torres interview with Leon Russell; John Mortland interview with Rod Stewart, + Random Notes
Ed Nimmervol - Gulliver is Slatzilvania
Films - From the French New Wave to Easy Rider by Robert King
Films - Helen Garner - The Naked Bunyip
Cartoon - Eightball Andy by Bob Daly
Warner Brown - thalidomide, cyclamates, & now ... caffeine?
Record reviews