Intravesical ATP concentration in bladder aliquots at 200 and 400mL in relation to afferent sensation during cystometry and baseline urinary ph
It is now well accepted that ATP released from the bladder urothelium in response to stretch [1] activates underlying afferent nerves and signals bladder fullness. Furthermore it is well known that low pH can stimulate ATP release in vitro [2]. In patients with Detrusor overactivity (DO) an inverse correlation between the intravesical concentration of ATP and the bladder volume at first desire to void (FDV) has previously been reported [3]. A similar correlation was not reported in control patients [3]. These correlations were seen in voided urodynamic fluid taken at the end of the cystometry test. The possibility that ATP was released during the voiding bladder contraction could not be evaluated. The aim of our study was to 1) examine the concentration of ATP in intravesical fluid aliquots taken at bladder volumes of 200 and 400ml during filling cystometry and 2) to examine urinary pH in relation to ATP concentration in intravesical fluid.
Publication Details
Cheng, Y., Mansfield, K. J., Walsh, C., Siddons, A., Allen, W., Chess-Williams, R., Burcher, E. & Moore, K. H. (2011). Intravesical ATP concentration in bladder aliquots at 200 and 400mL in relation to afferent sensation during cystometry and baseline urinary ph. International Continence Society Conference 2011 (pp. 332-333). United Kingdom: ICS.