Synthesis for discussion



Publication Details

Kenchington, R. (2012). Synthesis for discussion. Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs, 4 (3), 106-108.


The objective of the seminar was to provide a forum for multi-sectoral presentation and discussion of issues relating to information, governance, science and management of human activities affecting the marine environment and resources. These matters are more often addressed within sectors, between individual sectors and government so the panel and general discussion sessions covered a broad range of issues from the broader multi-sectoral context of governance, rights and responsibilities to further specific consideration of sectoral and research initiatives to address environmental and natural resource uses and impacts. The interest of the participants and their discussion at the workshop reflected limitations in knowledge of the governance constraints and the biophysical nature of marine systems; of each others objectives, operational opportunities and constraints; of common interests; shared concerns; and opportunities to develop effective management systems

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