Publication Details

B. M. Tsamenyi & J. Jit, 'Evaluation of the Pacific oceanscape to manage the Pacific Islands and ocean environment' (Paper presented at the Proceedings of 2nd International Seminar on Islands and Oceans, Tokyo, Japan, 29 Nov-1 Dec 10).


The forty-first meeting of Pacific Island Forum (PIF) in Port Vila, Vanuatu in August 2010 endorsed the new concept of 'Pacific Oceanscape' to support development, management and conservation of the Pacific Islands region. The leaders also encouraged all Pacific Islands regional organisations to implement the concept in partnership with other relevant organisations. The Pacific Oceanscape concept is a renewed effort to implement the Pacific [slands Regional Oceans Policy (PIROP). [t reflects all PIROP principles and aligns them with urgencies associated with climate change impacts on small island developing states. It also promotes regional cooperation in the establishment and management of large-scale marine protected areas (MPAs). MPAs are expected to minimise imminent threats to the marine environment and optimise opportunities for scientific studies and monitoring. Threats are minimised because large MPAs increase the resilience of the ecosystems and therefore protect associated conservational values for Pacific Islanders. Some challenges anticipated in implementing the Pacific Oceanscape relate to timeframe, funding integrity and sustain ability, harmonisation mechanisms within the existing national and regional institutions and programs and compliance and enforcement.
