One hundred days of horror: portraying genocide in Rwanda



Publication Details

Mayersen, D. (2015). One hundred days of horror: portraying genocide in Rwanda. Rethinking History: the journal of theory and practice, 19 (3), 357-369.


This essay discusses 100 Days in the Land of the Thousand Hills, a graphic novel portraying the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. In many respects, 100 Days is a unique publication: it was produced and published by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda; its target audience is children and youth; and it attempts not only to portray the events of the genocide but also to promote genocide prevention. In this essay, I explore how effectively 100 Days has met these ambitious goals. I argue that while the publication has prudently presented many complex aspects of the genocide, its presentation of the role of the United Nations and international community during the genocide is highly selective. The manner in which the events of the genocide are presented creates great empathy for the victims, but learning opportunities to promote genocide prevention are sometimes missed. While the graphic novel adopts a journalistic style, it is perhaps best characterised as a cultural representation of the genocide.

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