Publication Details

Beder, S. (2000). Threats to Democracy: Conference Proceedings: the corporate assault on democracy.. In RSA 'Threats to Democracy', 29-31 October 1999, Warburton. Australian Rationalist, 52 (Summer), 4-11.

Additional Publication Information

Transcript of lecture at 'Threats to Democracy', RSA conference, Warburton, 29-31 October 1999 - the concern that corporations are using third parties to undermine democracy, manipulate public opinion and influence the way people think about issues - democracy depends upon an informed citizenry.


Thank you for inviting me. The issue in the news at the moment, of course, is the Laws-Jones Affair and ‘Cash for Comment’. But what I would like to point out is that this is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s going on in our society. The corporations are not just using journalists to put forward the corporate point of view but they are using every institution of our society. They are using universities, schools, think tanks, and research institutes–anyone they can get who is willing to put the corporate point of view–rather than be up-front and put it themselves.
