Journal of Student Engagement: Education Matters



Welcome to a special postgraduate edition of JSEEM. The contributing authors have all been SCIT (School Counsellors in Training) students with the University of Wollongong, Australia. To take part in the SCIT program applicants must have attained a teaching qualification, be employed by the New South Wales Department of Education (NSW DoE) and enrol in a Graduate Diploma in Psychology. The cutting-edge program takes two years for completion and facilitates simultaneous work as a school counsellor with university study. The diploma is designed to address the requirements of such bodies as the Psychology Board of Australia and the Australian Psychological Society, as well as providing partial qualification to register as a psychologist with the Pyschology Board of Australia (supervision of practice is also required). In the final year, students undertake a major research project. This issue of JSEEM is comprised of a selection of the higher-ranked projects from 2016.
