
Papers from 2009

Geographies of tourism: critical research on capitalism and local livelihoods, Christopher R. Gibson


Place and music: Performing "the region" on the New South Wales Far North Coast, Christopher R. Gibson


Where is creativity in the city? Integrating qualitative and GIS methods, Christopher R. Gibson and Christopher Brennan - Horley

Mosquitoes in the mix: How transferable is creative city thinking?, Christopher R. Gibson, Susan Luckman, and Tess Lea

'We do not want to leave our land': Pacific ambassadors at the United Nations resist the category of 'climate refugees', Christopher R. Gibson and Karen E. McNamara


Accident Music, R. Gibson


Forensics and Poetics: A Context for 'Accident Music', R. Gibson


Desperately seeking a cosmic catastrophe 12,900 B.P., Richard Gillespie


Murray-Darling basin freshwater shells: riverine reservoir effect, Richard Gillespie, David Fink, Fiona Petchey, and Geraldine Jacobsen


Local engagements with urban bushland: Moving beyond bounded practice for urban biodiversity management, Nicholas J. Gill, Gordon R. Waitt, and Lesley M. Head

Skeletal muscle cell proliferation and differentiation on polypyrrole substrates doped with extracellular matrix components, K. J. Gilmore, Magdalena Kita, Gordon G. Wallace, Robert M. Kapsa, Michael J. Higgins, Yao Han, Amy Gelmi, Simon E. Moulton, and Graeme Clark

Tidal-forcing groundwater dynamics in a restored coastal wetland: implications of saline intrusion, William Glamore and Buddhima Indraratna


Mental health education for nurses in general practice, Kathryn Godwin

Phase II study of gemcitabine and docetaxel in combination for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, S. Goel, E. Abdi, C. Lewis, Matthew Links, S. Begbie, P Clingan, V. Ganju, and J. Beath


Disability, Media, and the Politics of Vulnerability, G. Goggin

Occurrence and consequences of acid sulphate soils and methods of site remediation, Alexandra N. Golab and Buddhima Indraratna

Selection of permeable reactive barrier materials for treating acidic groundwater in acid sulphate soil terrains based on laboratory column tests, Alexandra N. Golab, Mark Peterson, and Buddhima Indraratna

Comment on "DNA from pre-clovis human coprolites in Oregon, North America", Paul Goldberg, Francesco Berna, and Richard I. M Macphail

Introduction - Integrating security, development and nation-building in Timor-Leste, Andrew Goldsmith and V Harris

Out of Step: multilateral police missions, culture and nation-building in Timor-Leste, Andrew Goldsmith and Vandra Harris


Testing common habitat-based surrogates of invertebrate diversity in a semi-arid rangeland, John R. Gollan, Michael B. Ashcroft, Gerasimos Cassis, Andrew P. Donnelly, and Scott A. Lassau

The potential role of curcumin in patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undefined significance: its effect on paraproteinemia and the urinary n-telopeptide of type I collagen bone turnover marker, Terry Golombick, Terrence Diamond, Vladimir Badmaev, Arumugam Manoharan, and Raj Ramakrishna

Design and fabrication of magnetically functionalised core/shell microspheres for smart drug delivery, Xiuqing Gong, Suili Peng, Weijia Wen, Ping Sheng, and Weihua Li


Invasion and management of a woody plant, Lantana camara L., alters vegetation diversity within wet sclerophyll forest in southeastern Australia, Ben Gooden, Kris French, and Peter J. Turner


Impact threshold for an alien plant invader, Lantana camara L., on native plant communities, Ben Gooden, Kris French, Peter J. Turner, and Paul O. Downey

Association of elevated homocysteine level and vitamin B12 deficiency with anemia in older adults, Bamini Gopinath, Elena Rochtchina, Victoria Flood, and Paul Mitchell

The associations between blood levels of homocysteine, folate, vitamin B12 and retinal vascular caliber, Bamini Gopinath, Jie Wang, Victoria Flood, George Burlutsky, Tien Wong, and Paul Mitchell

Current funding and financing issues in the Australian hospice and palliative care sector, Robert Gordon, Kathy Eagar, Janette P. Green, and David C. Currow

Dead cert or long shot: the utility of social marketing in tackling problem gambling in the UK?, Ross Gordon and Crawford Moodie

Intimate mobilities: emotional embodiment and queer migration, Andrew Gorman-Murray


Towards understanding the cultural aspects of climate change in the snow, Andrew W. Gorman-Murray

What's the meaning of chillout? Rural/urban difference and the cultural significance of Australia's largest rural GLBTQ festival, Andrew W. Gorman-Murray


Queer-friendly neighbourhoods: interrogating social cohesion across sexual difference in two Australia neighbourhoods, Andrew W. Gorman-Murray and Gordon R. Waitt

Apparent bias: Helow v Secretary of State for the Home Department, James Goudkamp

Self-defence and illegality under the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW), James Goudkamp

The defence of illegality: Gray v Thames Trains Ltd, James Goudkamp


A hybrid approach to estuary modelling, O. Gould, J. Hinwood, and Errol J. McLean

Room-temperature solution synthesis of Bi2O3 nanowires for gas sensing application, Xinglong Gou, Rong Li, Guoxiu Wang, Z. Chen, and David Wexle

Mechanical reinforcement of continuous flow spun polyelectrolyte complex fibres, Alberto J. Granero, Joselito M. Razal, Gordon G. Wallace, and Marc in het Panhuis


Two Cys or Not Two Cys? That Is the Question; Alternative Oxidase in the Thermogenic Plant Sacred Lotus, Nicole M. Grant, Yoshihiko Onda, Yusuke Kakizaki, KKikukatsu Ito, Jennifer R. Watling, and Sharon A. Robinson

Recent developments regarding forged mortgages: the interrelationship between indefeasibility and the personal covenant to pay, Donald Grattan


Reporting disability, K. Green and S. Tanner


What a national psychology board will mean for current registrants, and what it might contribute to Australian Psychology, B. F. S. Grenyer

A new strategy for the stereoselective synthesis of 2,2'-bipyrrolidines, Mary Gresser, Paul A. Keller, and Steven Wales

Teaching international tourism: An interdisciplinary, field-based course, Ulrike Gretzel, Tazim Jamal, Amanda Stronza, and Sanjay K. Nepal


Conceptualizing the creative tourist class: technology, mobility and tourism experiences, Ulrike Gretzel and Jamal Tazim

Behavioural interactions between ecosystem engineers control community species richness, Paul Gribben, James Byers, Michael Clements, Louise McKenzie, Peter Steinberg, and Jeffrey Wright


Larval settlement preference of a native bivalve: the influence of an invasive alga versus native substrata, Paul E. Gribben, Jeffrey T. Wright, Wayne A. O'Connor, and Peter Steinberg

Reduced performance of native infauna following recruitment to a habitat-forming invasive marine alga, Paul Gribben, Jeffrey Wright, Wayne O'Connor, Martina Doblin, Bradley Eyre, and Peter Steinberg

Testing Lagrangian atmospheric dispersion modelling to monitor CO2 and CH4 leakage from geosequestration, David W. Griffith, Mei Bai, R Leuning, Travis A. Naylor, Zoe Loh, David Etheridge, and Steve Zegelin

The turbulent lagrangian time scale in forest canopies constrained by fluxes, concentrations and source distributions, David W. Griffith, Vanessa E. Haverd, R Leuning, Matthias Cuntz, and Eva van Gorsel


Absolute calibration of the intramolecular site preference of 15N fractionation in tropospheric N2O by FT-IR spectroscopy, David W. T Griffith, Stephen D. Parkes, Vanessa Haverd, Clare Paton-Walsh, and Stephen R. Wilson


Allantoin in human plasma, serum, and nasal-lining fluids as a biomarker of oxidative stress: Avoiding artifacts and establishing real in vivo concentrations, Jan Gruber, Soon Yew Tang, Andrew M. Jenner, Ian Mudway, Anders Blomberg, Annelie Behndig, Katherine Kasiman, Chung-Yung J. Lee, Raymond C S Seet, wenxia zhang, Christopher Chen, Frank J. Kelly, and Barry Halliwell

Dealing with label switching in mixture models under genuine multimodality, Bettina Grun and Friedrich Leisch


Automatic generation of exams in R, Bettina Grun and Achim Zeileis

A Linear Actuation of Polymeric Nanofibrous Bundle for Artificial Muscles, Bon K. Gu, Yahya A. Ismail, Geoffrey M. Spinks, Sun I. Kim, Insuk So, and Seon Jeong Kim


Regulating fishing in Australia: from mullet size limits to international hot pursuits, Warwick Gullett

Related lending: evidence of tunneling and propping in China, Fei Guo and Shiguang Ma


A low-complexity iterative channel estimation and detection technique for doubly selective channels, Qinghua Guo, Li Ping, and Defeng (David) Huang

Nonlinear behaviour of laterally loaded fixed-head piles and pile groups, Wei-Dong Guo

Synthesis of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) for lithium ion battery applications, Zaiping Guo, Chuanqi Feng, Hua-Kun Liu, Rong Zeng, Hua Li, and Jun Ma

Ultra-fine porous SnO2 nanopowder prepared via a molten salt process: a highly efficient anode material for lithium-ion batteries, Zaiping Guo, Hua-Kun Liu, Guodong Du, Mohd Faiz Hassan, and Yanna Nuli

Preparation and characterization of LiFePO4 thin film by radio frequency magnetron sputtering for lithium microbatteries, Zaiping Guo, Hua-Kun Liu, Guodong Du, Xianjun Zhu, Peng Zhang, ChengGang Wang, and LongBin Cheng

Investigation of discharge reaction mechanism of lithium/liquid electrolyte/sulfur battery, Zaiping Guo, Hua-Kun Liu, Hosuk Ryu, GyuBong Cho, and HyoJun Ahn

Nickel-cobalt oxides/carbon nanoflakes as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Zaiping Guo, Hua-Kun Liu, Jun Yang, Yanna Nuli, Peng Zhang, and Jiulin Wang

Reversible hydrogen storage in titanium-catalyzed LiAlH4-LiBH4 system, Zaiping Guo, Hua-Kun Liu, Xuebin Yu, and Jianfeng Mao

Enhanced hydrogen storage performances of NaBH4-MgH2 system, Zaiping Guo, Hua-Kun Liu, Xuebin Yu, Z Wu, Jianfeng Mao, and J Ni

The role of gender stereotypes in perceptions of entrepreneurs and intentions to become an entrepreneur, Vishal Gupta, Daniel Turban, S. Arzu Wasti, and Arijit Sikdar


Seigniorage and public deficit: a test of comparison between Turkey and Tunisia, Burak Gurbuz, Zehra Yesim Gurbuz, Hela Miniaoui, and Mounir Smida

Processable polyaniline-HCSA/poly(vinyl acetate-co-butyl acrylate) corrosion protection coatings for aluminium alloy 2024-T3: A SVET and Raman study, JM Gustavsson, Peter C. Innis, J He, G G. Wallace, and D E. Tallman


Behaviour of eccentric loading of FRP confined fibre steel reinforced concrete columns, Muhammad N. S Hadi

Behaviour of reinforced concrete columns wrapped with fibre reinforced polymer under eccentric loads, Muhammad N. S Hadi

Graph self-organizing maps for cyclic and unbounded graphs, Markus Hagenbuchner, Ah Chung Tsoi, and Alessandro Sperduti

An intelligent load shedding scheme using neural networks and neuro-fuzzy, Ahmed M. Haidar, Azah Mohamed, Majid Al-Dabbagh, Aini Hussain, and Mohamed Masoum


Factors governing performance of continuous fungal reactor during non-sterile operation - The case of a membrane bioreactor treating textile wastewater, Faisal I. Hai, Kazuo Yamamoto, Fumiyuki Nakajima, and Kensuke Fukushi

Ancient DNA reveals late survival of mammoth and horse in interior Alaska, James Haile, D. Froese, R. MacPhee, Richard G. Roberts, Lee J. Arnold, Alberto Reyes, Morten Rasmussen, Rasmus Nielsen, Barry Brook, Simon Robinson, Martina Demuro, M. Thomas Gilbert, Kasper Munch, Jeremy Austin, Alan Cooper, Ian Barnes, Per Moller, and E. Willerslev

Scanning mutagenesis of α-conotoxin Vc1.1 reveals residues crucial for activity at the α9α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, Reena Halai, Richard J. Clark, Simon T. Nevin, Jonas Jensen, David J. Adams, and David J. Craik

Feasibility and sustainability of a model of multidisciplinary case conferencing in residential aged care, Elizabeth J. Halcomb

Practical considerations for higher degree research students undertaking mixed methods projects, Elizabeth J. Halcomb and Sharon Andrew

Nursing student feedback on undergraduate research education: implications for teaching and learning, Elizabeth J. Halcomb and Kathleen Peters

Perceptions of multidisciplinary case conferencing in residential aged care facilities, Elizabeth J. Halcomb, Bernadette M. Shepherd, and Rhonda Griffiths


Professional development needs of general practice nurses, Elizabeth Halcomb, Elizabeth Meadley, and Sherryn Streeter


Content analysis of disease awareness advertisements in popular Australian women's magazines, Danika V. Hall, Sandra C. Jones, and Donald C. Iverson

The role of pre‐school quality in promoting resilience in the cognitive development of young children, James Hall, Kathy Sylva, Edward Melhuish, Pam Sammons, Iram Siraj-Blatchford, and Brenda Taggart

Dynamics of DNA replication loops reveal temporal control of lagging-strand synthesis, Samir M. Hamdan, Joseph J. Loparo, Masateru Takahashi, Charles C. Richardson, and Antoine M. van Oijen


Overcoming Visibility Issues in a Small-to-Medium Retailer Using Automatic Identification and Data Capture Technology: An Evolutionary Approach, D. Hamilton, Katina Michael, and Samuel Fosso Wamba

Narrative policy analysis and the integration of public involvement in decision making, Gregory R. Hampton

Determination of the separability of coastal community assemblages of the Al Wajh Barrier Reef, Red Sea, from hyperspectral data, Sarah Hamylton

Multiwalled carbon nanotube-supported Pt/Sn and Pt/Sn/PMo12 electrocatalysts for methanol electro-oxidation, D M. Han, Zaiping Guo, Rong Zeng, C. J Kim, Y Meng, and Hua-Kun Liu

Group work in schools with close friends and acquaintances: linking self-processes with group processes, Jose Hanham and John McCormick


Butterfly wings as natural photonic crystal scaffolds for controllable assembly of CdS nanoparticles, Jie Han, Huilan Su, Di Zhang, Jianjun Chen, and Z. Chen


The effects of antipsychotic drugs administration on 5-HT1A receptor expression in the limbic system of the rat brain, Mei Han, Xu-Feng Huang, Teresa M. Du Bois, and Chao Deng


From Yellow Peril to Model Minority? A Comparative Analysis of a Newspaper’s Depiction of the Chinese in New Zealand at the Start of the 20th and 21st Centuries, G. Hannis

Electrical wonders of the present age: cinema-going on the Far South Coast of NSW and rural discourses of modernity, Stephanie Hanson

Promoting mental health care in a rural paediatric unit through participatory action research, Brenda Happell, Lorna Moxham, Kerry Reid-Searl, Trudy Dwyer, Julie Kahl, Jodie Morris, and Narelle Wheatland


Phase transformations in (111) Si after spherical indentation, Ayesha J. Haq and Paul G. Munroe


A control strategy for output maximisation of a PMSG-based variable-speed wind turbine, M E. Haque, K M. Muttaqi, and M Negnevitsky

Endo-rectal balloon cavity dosimetry in a phantom: Performance under IMRT and helical tomotherapy beams, Nick Hardcastle, Anatoly B. Rosenfeld, Peter E. Metcalfe, and Wolfgang A. Tome


Sedentariness, small-screen recreation and fitness in youth, Louise L. Hardy, Timothy A. Dobbins, Elizabeth A. Denney-Wilson, Anthony D. Okely, and Michael L. Booth

The regulation of CHIS, Clive G. Harfield