Publication Details

This paper was originally published as: Shen, J, Yan, J & Yang, Y, SwinDeW-S: Extending P2P Workflow Systems for Adaptive Composite Web Services, 2006 Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC 2006), Sydney, Australia, 6 April, 2006, 61-69. Copyright IEEE.


SwinDeW, an innovative decentralised workflow management system, has established an underlying framework for peer-to-peer (p2p) based business process coordination environments. SwinDeW-S extends SwinDeW to support adaptive composite service orchestration in the era of service-oriented computing. This paper comprehensively presents features of SwinDeW-S, including the p2p network establishment, the messaging mechanism, the service deployment and enactment, the service discovery and advertisement, and the service flow execution. The prototypical extension of SwinDeW to SwinDeW-S and the advantages of SwinDeW-S are also examined and analysed. With the innovative integration of service and p2p-based enterprise application techniques, SwinDeW-S can support composite service orchestration, deployment and execution.



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