Design of a P2P information sharing MAS using MOBMAS
Most existing agent-oriented methodologies ignore system extensibility, interoperability and reusability issues. In light of this, we have developed MOBMAS – a “Methodology for Ontology-Based MASs” which makes use of ontologies as a central modeling tool, utilising their roles in facilitating interoperability and reusability. As part of an ongoing validation of MOBMAS, we demonstrate in this paper its use on a peer-to-peer (P2P) community-based information sharing application. MOBMAS is used by an experienced software developer, who is not an author of the methodology, to guide the development of the P2P application.
Publication Details
Tran, N., Beydoun, G. & Low, G. (2007). Design of a P2P information sharing MAS using MOBMAS. In G. Magyar, G. Knapp, W. Wojtkowski, W. Wojtkowski & J. Zupancic (Eds.), International Conference on Information Systems Development (pp. 63-76). Budapest: Springer.